Vegan Brownie Recipe

Vegan Brownie Recipe

The brownie is one of the easiest and fastest vegan recipes to prepare. By substituting a couple of ingredients from the traditional recipe we can get a fluffy, sweet and much healthier vegan brownie. Why is vegan brownie healthier? First of all, this recipe eliminates butter, a dairy derivative that is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. It also replaces the…

Vegan Pizza recipe with chickpeas and vegetables

Vegan Pizza recipe with chickpeas and vegetables

If you are bored of conventional pizzas this is your recipe. Despite looking like a bit of an odd combination, this homemade spelled pizza is delicious. Chickpeas are not a very common ingredient in the preparation of pizzas, but they combine very well with vegetables. In addition, the curry gives it an exotic flavor that you surely have not tried…

Vegan tuna pate recipe

Vegan tuna pate recipe

This preparation that I share that simulates tuna is totally vegan without ingredients of animal origin and is perfect for use in other dishes, for example, in sandwiches, salads, pastas, pizzas, etc., as a substitute for tuna for vegetarians . This vegan tuna pate is very soft and with a touch of the sea that the algae provide. In…