Quiche Dough Recipe

Nobody is unaware that this is a type of salty dough which is filled with any type of ingredients. There is a wide variety of quiche recipes, among the most famous is the quiche Lorraine which is made with onion, leek and bacon or bacon. This is the most popular quiche of all but first it is basic to make the short crust pastry or quiche dough.

Ingredients to make Quiche Dough:

  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 250 grams of Butter
  • 3 units of Eggs
  • 60 milliliters of Water (¼ cup)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar

How to make Quiche Dough:

1.Our first step is to pre-list all the ingredients to be able to make our quiche dough recipe.

2.In a bowl, sift the wheat flour, that is, pass it through a sieve so that the preparation and dough are finer. Then make a bow in the bowl so we can add the rest of the ingredients into it. Add a pinch of salt and sugar around the flour.

3.Add the eggs one by one and with the help of a spatula integrate with the flour.

4.Add the water and start mixing until all the ingredients of our short crust pastry are integrated. Finally, add the softened butter, that is, make it soft.

5.Once you notice that you can knead with your hand, knead by integrating all the ingredients.

6.Make a ball and cover the short crust pastry with plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge or refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

7.Once the resting time of the quiche dough has elapsed, with the help of a rolling pin, stretch the dough and take it to a mold. This recipe is enough for two medium-sized quiches.

8.Once we have the broken dough in the mold where we are going to bake it, prick it with the help of a fork so that the air enters while it is in the oven. Then, bake the dough at 180ºC for about 15 minutes. It is important to add weight (such as legumes) on top of a little aluminum foil, in this way we obtain an excellent dough for quiche or short crust pastry.


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