French Crullers Recipe

The traditional crullers have German origin and are braided pastries. However, they have now become much more widespread in their French variant. On the other hand, it is also true that it is very similar to the Spanish churro, since they can be covered with chocolate, with sugar and cinnamon or with a delicious glaze, as in this case that we present to you. However, the cruller is an exquisite traditional French sweet, softer than churros and very addictive, as they are delicious.

If you have never prepared French crullers and you don’t know how to make them, you have come to the right place, because in this article we teach you how to make exquisite French crullers. Keep reading and prepare the ingredients to make a perfect preparation.

Ingredients to make French Crullers:

  • 125 milliliters of milk
  • 1 orange (its skin)
  • 25 grams of sugar
  • 50 grams of unsalted butter
  • 75 grams of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 500 milliliters of sunflower oil for frying
  • For the glaze:
  • 50 grams of icing sugar
  • 25 grams of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of water

How to make French Crullers:

  1. To start with the French crullers recipe, first, wash the orange well and dry it.
  2. Next, peel the orange, preferably with a vegetable peeler so as not to catch the white part, and add the rind together with the milk in a saucepan over the heat.
  3. When it is hot, without boiling, add the sugar, stir and let it dissolve.
  4. Once the sugar has melted, add the butter cut into pieces and stir with a spoon until it has completely dissolved and it is all a homogeneous mixture.
  5.  When everything is well dissolved, remove the skin from the orange.
  6. Put the pinch of salt in the flour and add at once to the hot milk.
  7. Lower the heat a little and see stirring the flour with the milk.
  8.  Then, let it cook, and, meanwhile, keep stirring until the dough comes off the walls and forms a ball.
  9. Remove the saucepan from the heat and put the resulting cruller dough ball in another bowl. Next, lightly beat the egg and add to the cruller batter.
  10. Stir well until the beaten egg is incorporated.
  11. Next, add the egg white and work mixing until it is well integrated into the dough.
  12. Add the cruller dough into a piping bag fitted with a curling nozzle and allow to cool slightly.
  13. While the dough is tempering, cut out 10×10 squares of parchment paper. Next, with the help of a round cookie cutter, a lid or a glass, draw a circle about 8 cm in diameter on each square of paper.
  14. With the help of the pastry bag, draw the French crullers in the circles that you have prepared on paper.
  15. She tries to make the circles thick and with the dough tight. Tip: so that the crullers come off the paper well, you can brush each circle with a little sunflower oil and then draw the crullers with the pastry bag.
  16. Heat the sunflower oil in a large pot and when it is very hot, add the papers with the crullers dough.
  17. Don’t put too many at once so they fry well.
  18. Shortly after introducing the crullers to fry them, you can carefully remove the papers, you should do it with kitchen tongs. Next, lightly brown the French crullers on each side and remove them onto a plate lined with kitchen paper.
  • To make the glaze, sift the icing sugar into a bowl and add the honey and the tablespoon of water. Mix well.
  • Tip: there must be a glaze that is not excessively liquid. On the contrary, if it is very thick, you can add a little more water.
  • Pour the glaze over the still-warm French crullers.
  • Then serve the French crullers, as they are much better freshly made. An authentic delight, you will love them!


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