Zucchini Recipe Stuffed with White Sauce

Zucchini is a type of vegetable that is low in calories, but not very tasty. If you are wondering how to make stuffed zucchini with white sauce, in this article we teach you how to prepare them in an original and very tasty way. This dish is ideal for incorporating vegetables into your diet or that of your children. Also, if you are looking to lose weight, have diabetes, celiac disease or follow a vegetarian diet, this filling is also a good option for you. Let’s go there.

Ingredients to make Zucchini stuffed with white sauce:

  1.  2 zucchini
  2.  3 dried tomatoes
  3.  6 tablespoons lean ricotta
  4.  1 cup skim milk
  5.  2 tablespoons of cornstarch
  6.  1 dessert spoon of nutmeg
  7.  ½ dessert spoon of pepper
  8.  1 tablespoon grated cheese
  9.  1 small onion
  10.  50 grams of fennel

How to make Zucchini stuffed with white sauce:

  • The recipe for stuffed zucchini with white sauce is very easy to make, first you must carefully wash the zucchini and cook them in the microwave covered, approximately 7 minutes. The intention is not to cook them completely, but to pre-cook them, since we will complete their cooking in the oven. Cut the zucchini in half and with the help of a spoon, remove the center.
  • Process the center of the pre-cooked zucchini with the hydrated dried tomatoes.
  • On the other hand, chop and brown the onion with the fennel. Sauté them over high heat and vegetable spray in a nonstick skillet. Then, lower the heat and add 2 tablespoons of hot water, stirring until the water evaporates and repeat this process as many times as you want. The more times you repeat it, the more cooked they will be.
  • Mix the onion and fennel with the ricotta. Also, add the zucchini along with the processed tomatoes.
  • Fill the zucchini with the preparation you have prepared.
  • It is time to prepare the white sauce. You can make it in the microwave by dissolving the starch in the milk and heating it for about 30 seconds until it thickens. Mix each time so no lumps form. If you don’t have a microwave, you can cook the sauce in a nonstick pot over medium heat, stirring constantly. Season it with nutmeg and pepper. The recipe for zucchini stuffed with white sauce is almost ready!
  • Cover the zucchini with the white sauce and the grated cheese. Take them to the oven at 200 ºC so that they heat up and gratin.
  • Ready to eat! Do not hesitate to try the stuffed zucchini recipe and tell us what you think of this typical dish.

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