Zucchini Quiche Recipe

The zucchini quiche is a classic that could not be missing. So if you don’t know how to make a zucchini and bacon quiche, stay with us and take a look at this step by step that will help you prepare an exquisite homemade zucchini quiche in a simple way. Give this easy quiche a try and let us know what you think!

Ingredients to make Zucchini Quiche:

  • 1 sheet of frozen short crust pastry
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ onion
  • 200 milliliters of liquid cream or milk cream
  • Bacon in tacos
  • 1 handful of grated emmental cheese
  • Salt
  • Ground pepper (black or white)
  • Oil or butter

How to make Zucchini Quiche:

The first step to prepare this zucchini and bacon quiche is to gather all the ingredients we need. Then, chop the half onion and fry it in a pan with a little oil or butter over low heat. Next, wash and chop the zucchini into small pieces without peeling it, and add it to the pan as well. Sauté it together with the onion. This is the main ingredient of our easy homemade quiche so it must be well done.

Do the same operation with the bacon: chop it into small cubes if it is not cut yet and add it to the pan to fry it with the rest of the courgette quiche ingredients. Season the filling of the homemade quiche to taste. Next, preheat the oven to 180ºC above and below and beat the eggs in a bowl. Add the milk and the previous poached mixture and stir everything well.

Next, take a quiche mold and line it with the frozen short crust pastry. Prick the base of the dough a little with a fork, place some parchment paper on top and cover it with some dried vegetables (chickpeas, beans or lentils will do) to act as weight. Bake the zucchini and bacon quiche dough for about 10 minutes. What the dried vegetables do on top is to help the quiche dough not to rise, but to lie flat so that it can be filled.

Once baked, remove the vegetable paper and the dried vegetables from the zucchini quiche dough and pour the mixture that we have prepared. Sprinkle plenty of grated cheese on top and return to the oven for a few more minutes until the zucchini and bacon quiche is au gratin.

He voila! Our zucchini quiche is now ready to eat. Remember that you can make this easy homemade quiche or make it another type by changing the ingredients of the filling.

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