Zucchini Arepas with Oats Recipe

Vegetables and cereals in the same plate? Yes! all in the same presentation: zucchini arepa with oatmeal. Zucchini provides a magnificent flavor, between bitter and sweet, appetizing all year round. Oatmeal adds an attractive texture to foods. This duo provides incredible nutrients separately but together they are…wonderful for the body!

At this article, we spend all day thinking about what recipes will be useful and practical for you when it comes to cooking. So don’t miss this recipe for vegetable arepas and get to work!

Ingredients to make Zucchini Arepas with Oatmeal:

  • 1 cup of Zucchini (zucchini)
  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 1 cup oatmeal flakes or oatmeal

How to make Zucchini Arepas with Oatmeal:

Organize your work table. Wash, chop and grate the zucchini. Place the cornmeal and oatmeal in separate containers, each with the exact measure required by the recipe. Let’s prepare Venezuelan arepas! Put all the ingredients in a bowl, then knead. Gradually add the water.

Tip: Add salt to taste

Knead until you achieve a compact dough. When you get the right texture, form a ball with the dough. That ball of dough splits it in two, creating two more spheres. With each ball, form a disk. Place the oatmeal arepas in the pan, 5 minutes on each side and… Done!

Optional you could pre-heat the oven to 180º C and put the zucchini arepas on the rack, then wait a minute on each side. You would do this process after cooking them in the pan or iron. This way the vegetable arepas will be perfectly cooked and with an excellent texture.

Trick: Preheat the pan, before cooking the arepas.

Pass! You can accompany these healthy and delicious zucchini arepas with oatmeal with: pira, with salad, with white cheeses, yellow cheese, ground meat, shredded meat, among other options. Its exquisite flavor will show you that healthy can be delicious.

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