Yogurt Snow Recipe

If you want to taste a fresh and creamy dessert, you will love this yogurt ice cream recipe, and not only because it has an exquisite flavor, but also because of the few calories has it provided. In addition, it is a very popular dessert and more and more we find different flavors available.

Well, if you want to make strawberry yogurt ice cream, this article provides you with all the steps you must follow to prepare a delicious dessert for your family and be able to enjoy it any day. Let’s go there!

Ingredients to make yogurt snow:

  • 200 grams of unsweetened Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 Maria cookies
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sweetener to taste

How to make Yogurt Snow:

  1. If you are wondering how to make yogurt snow, it is very simple.
  2. First place the Greek yogurt in a bowl and with an electric mixer beat until creamy, you can also do it manually.
  3. Many commercial yogurts when standing contain whey, well, remove it before beating.
  4. Blend the frozen strawberries with the lemon juice and the tablespoon of honey, you can also sweeten to taste with Stevia or Monk fruit.
  5. Immediately pour the blended strawberry puree into theyogurt bowl and mix gently until everything is integrated.
  6. Distribute the snow over a container to freeze, add bits of Maria biscuit and take it to the freezer for at least 2 hours.
  7. After some time, you can now enjoy this homemade yogurt ice cream.
  8.  You can serve with an ice cream scoop or you can also transfer the snow to a sleeve to provide a better presentation. Let’s eat!


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