Yogurt Mousse Recipe

On this occasion we are preparing a recipe for yogurt mousse, a simple dessert that the whole family will like. Now with the summer heat, the truth is that you don’t feel like getting into the kitchen much, let alone using the oven. For that reason, this recipe with yogurt is ideal, it is also very light and delicious.

This yogurt mousse goes very well with chopped or mixed fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. You can present it in individual glasses and you will see that it looks very good. In addition, it is an excellent recipe to take advantage of yogurts that we do not want to consume alone or with which we no longer know what to do. Without further ado, continue reading in this article to learn how to make yogurt mousse!

Ingredients to make yogurt mousse:

  • 3 creamy natural yogurts
  • 200 milliliters of whipping cream (1 cup)
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 handful of fruits

How to make yogurt mousse:

  1. First, in a bowl, we are going to mix the yogurt with the sugar.
  2. In another bowl, we mount the whites to the point of snowvery firm and reserve in the fridge. On the other hand, we mount the cream.
  3. Now, in the yogurt bowl, carefully add the whipped cream with enveloping movements.
  4.  Next, we add the egg whites to the point of snow, until they are integrated. The result will be a fluffy cream that will give our yogurt mousse a perfect texture.
  5. We will be putting the cream in small glasses or glassesto serve. Put in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours before serving.
  6. We accompany the yogurt mousse recipeby serving fruit on top and that’s it! What is delicious? It is a perfect summer recipe for the heat and very refreshing.


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