Yeast-Free Pizza Dough Recipe

Yes, it is possible to prepare pizza dough without yeast, and it is also very tasty. Easy and fast, without having to wait for the yeast to take effect… Learn how to make this pizza base without yeast with these simple steps.

Ingredients for making yeast-free pizza dough:

  • 315 grams of flour (2¼ cups)
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 1 dessert spoon of sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 tablespoons of Oil

How to make Yeast Free Pizza Dough:

  1. The ingredients for this homemade pizza doughare the traditional ones for any pizza base, but without yeast.
  2. Nor do we substitute this ingredient for beer, as in other similar recipes.
  3. We begin by preparing the unleavened pizza base bymixing the flour with the salt and sugar, in each case only one teaspoon.
  4. Tip:Take the opportunity to turn on the oven now: preheat it to 180ºC.
  5. Next we add the three tablespoons of oil and the glass of water, but little by little, mixing continuously. It should be a fairly soft paste.
  6. We spread the pizza dough on a baking tray, greased with a little oil.
  7. You will not need a roller, just your fingers or if you prefer a spatula. Ideally, the thickness should not exceed one centimeter.
  8. Place the tray in the oven, preheated in advance, and let the dough cook for 10 minutes at 180ºC, with heat above and below.
  9.  After this time, all you have to do is add the ingredients you prefer to the pizza, and then bake it for 10 more minutes, at the same temperature, what is necessary for cooking the ingredients and also what is necessary for the pasta to brown a little more

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