Yamani Rice Burgers Recipe

Yamani rice burgers are a delicacy of organic food that, once you try it, you will want to share with everyone you know. The recipe that we share is made with one of the purest varieties of brown rice in the world, famous for its benefits for digestion and its rich source of nutrients.

On the other hand, thanks to its thick and viscous texture, the hamburgers will be firm without the need to use eggs. You can always choose between preparing the recipe in its vegan or vegetarian form. In any case, the Yamani rice will give a sweet and delicious touch to the hamburgers and will be a light option for any lunch or dinner, especially if you are looking to add carbohydrates to your diet.

Ingredients to make Yamani Rice Burgers:

  1. 2 cups of yamani rice
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 onion
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 red bell pepper
  6. 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
  7. 1 cup of grated cheese (can be vegan)
  8. Olive oil

How to make Yamani Rice Burgers:

  • Pour two and a half cups of water in a pot along with the Yamani rice and add salt. Cook it for about 40 minutes and then let it rest for another 12.
  • Tip: Boil with the fire at maximum and make sure to respect the cooking times so that the texture is perfect.
  • Chop the onions, red bell pepper and garlic into very fine pieces. Then, fry them in a pan with a little olive oil. Add a little salt and let it cook for about 10 minutes.
  • Grate the carrot and mix it in a bowl with the rice, the vegetables, the parsley leaves and the grated cheese. You can use vegan cheese or omit the cheese altogether. If you want to prepare your own cheese, this vegan chickpea cheese recipe will surely delight you.
  • Tip: Do not forget to mix well so that the dough that is formed is consistent and easy to mold.
  • Then, mold the mixture into patties until they are perfectly made.
  • Tip: You can add other condiments such as curry or oregano, to add more flavor to the Yamani rice burgers.
  • Place the hamburgers on an oiled tray and let them cook in the oven at a temperature of 200ºC for 10 minutes on each side. Serve them with bread or other accompaniments and enjoy!

Other recipes with Yamani rice burgers

  • You don’t have to follow the main recipe to the letter. One of the best qualities of Yamaní rice is that it goes perfectly with many ingredients, including meats, vegetables, and legumes. You can also prepare Yamani rice burgers with lentils.
  • To make it, simply mash 2 cups of cooked lentils and add them to the mix along with the rice and other ingredients. It will be delicious!

Rice and pumpkin burgers

  • Another of the ingredients with which Yamani rice burgers are usually prepared is pumpkin. It combines wonderfully with the sweetness and smooth texture of rice. With half a kilo of pumpkin will be enough to prepare this version. Chop them into slices one centimeter thick and take them to the oven for about 20 minutes until they are well cooked. When adding them to the rice, make sure to mash them up so they blend well with the mixture.

Yamani rice benefits

  • Yamaní rice burgers are a perfect dish that is easy for our body to digest. One of the main qualities of brown rice is that it maintains the shell where many of the cereal’s nutrients are stored. This also means that we will feel full more quickly than when we consume white rice, for practically the same amount of calories.

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