Wok broad beans recipe with wild asparagus and spring garlic in virgin olive oil

Ingredients for wok broad beans with wild asparagus and spring garlic in virgin olive oil:

  • 2 Kg of broad beans with pod
  • 12 wild asparagus 1 finger thick
  • 5 tender garlic
  • Salt
  • virgin olive oil
  • Soy sauce

How to make wok broad beans with wild asparagus and spring garlic in virgin olive oil:

1.Peel the broad beans from the pods. Peel and cut the asparagus into pieces, using only the tender parts. Clean and cut the young garlic into pieces. Keep in mind that cooking in the wok is over high heat, covered and stirring from time to time. So that it doesn’t stick or burn Heat 3 tablespoons of virgin olive oil in the wok, add the asparagus and let it cook. As soon as you see that it is ready, add the broad beans, stir and let them cook. You see stirring with a wooden spoon from time to time. When you check that they are almost ready add the spring garlic, add a level tablespoon of soy sauce mix well. Before turning off, try to see if it is necessary to add salt. Turn off and serve freshly made. Accompany with a good pages bread or spelled bread. I hope you like it and enjoy

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