Wild Rice with Nuts Recipe

Although commonly known as wild rice or wild rice, this food is not directly related to Asian rice. It is rather the seed of an aquatic plant called Bizana, which is appreciated for its nutritional properties, since it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and is low in fat.

There are many ways to cook wild rice, it can be boiled, baked, steamed and even microwaved. If you are interested in learning how to make wild rice, keep reading where we will teach you how to prepare a delicious recipe made with nuts. This rice goes very well with chicken, turkey, and also fish, making it an ideal recipe to use as a side dish for festive dinners like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s. Wild rice with nuts is so delicious you might want to enjoy it all year long.

Ingredients to make Wild rice with nuts:

  1. 350 grams of wild rice
  2. 30 grams of Raisins
  3. 30 grams of apricot dried apricots
  4. 50 grams of Almonds
  5. 100 grams of onion
  6. 1 clove garlic
  7. 1 ginger cube
  8. 2 teaspoons of Yellow Curry
  9. ½ teaspoon Cinnamon powder
  10. 1 liter of water
  11. Olive oil
  12. Salt and pepper

How to make Wild Rice with Nuts:

  • The first step to make wild rice will be to gather and measure all the ingredients that we are going to use.
  • Wash the onion and peel the ginger and garlic. Finely chop half the onion, half a garlic clove and half the ginger cube. Save the rest for later.
  • Soak the raisins and apricots in hot water for five minutes and after that time put them to drain.
  • Heat a saucepan over medium heat, with enough olive oil and add the nuts to fry them.
  • Stir this stir-fry constantly, as nuts can burn very quickly. As soon as they are a little golden, remove from the heat and drain the excess oil.
  • In the same saucepan where we fried the nuts, fry the chopped onion, ginger and garlic. When the onion becomes a little transparent, add the cinnamon powder, the yellow curry and mix well.
  • Trick: If necessary add a little more oil.
  • Add and fry the wild rice in the olive oil, do not forget to stir constantly to prevent the rice from sticking or burning.
  • Blend the onion, garlic and remaining ginger with 1 lt. of water and add the mixture to the rice. If you prefer, you can substitute the water for chicken broth, don’t forget to season with a good pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper.
  • Trick: It is preferable that the water or chicken broth is warm or hot when adding them to the rice, in this way we will avoid cutting the cooking of our preparation.
  • Cook the rice covered over low heat until you see that all the liquid has evaporated and when you taste it feels soft without being beaten.
  • When the rice is cooked add the nuts. Replace the lid and let the rice sit off the heat for an additional five minutes before serving.
  • Serve wild rice with nuts on its own, or as an accompaniment to your special dinners. This type of rice can be combined with a plate of fried fish or a serving of turkey with garlic.

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