Whole wheat spelled pizza recipe with ham, mushrooms and onion

To make a delicious whole meal spelled pizza to your liking, you don’t have to complicate your life since you can perfectly buy the already made whole meal spelled pizza base or make it at home manually if you prefer.

In this case, I have used an already purchased base to make this whole meal spelled pizza with ham, mushrooms and onion that you can prepare in half an hour whenever you want. Write down the ingredients or put the ones you like the most and you will see how easy it is to make it.

Ingredients to make Wholegrain spelled pizza with ham, mushrooms and onion:

  • 1 Wholegrain spelled pizza base
  • 150 grams of frozen laminated mushrooms
  • 4 slices of turkey ham
  • 1 handful of grated cheese to gratin
  • 1 handful of dried oregano
  • 4 tablespoons of fried tomato
  • ¼ onion

How to make Whole Wheat Spelled Pizza with Ham, Mushrooms and Onions:

  1. The first step to make this whole meal spelled pizza is to buy some whole meal spelled pizza bases or make your own by making the dough with whole meal spelled flour.
  2. In my case I preferred to buy them to save time
  3. Next, spread the fried tomato over the whole wheat spelled pizza crust and sprinkle with grated cheese and dried oregano to taste.
  4. Then cut the onion into strips and place it on top of the homemade pizza.
  5. Next, defrost the sliced ​​mushrooms, drain them well with a strainer so that they release as much water as possible and place them on the whole-grain spelled pizza.
  6. Trick: If you prefer, you can use fresh mushrooms but you will have to clean and slice them yourself.
  7. Now preheat the oven to approximately 180-200º C. While it is heating up, cut the turkey ham into strips and place it on the pizza.
  8. Also sprinkle a little more grated cheese on top if you like. We just love cheese
  9. Finally, bake the whole- grain spelled pizza with ham, mushrooms and onion for approximately 15 minutes, until the edges are golden brown and the cheese is melted. Take advantage!

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