Whole wheat spelled pizza dough recipe

If you want to prepare a very simple whole meal spelled pizza dough that, in addition to being healthier than pizza dough with white flour, is very good, don’t miss this easy recipe we offers you to make a whole meal spelled pizza totally homemade. You no longer have an excuse not to make it yourself at home, so take note of the ingredients and follow this step by step to find out.

Ingredients to make Whole Wheat Spelled Pizza Dough:

  • 350 grams of whole spelled flour
  • 200 milliliters of lukewarm water
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 12 grams of fresh yeast
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

How to make Whole Wheat Spelled Pizza Crust:

  1. To start preparing this whole meal spelled pizza dough is to dissolve fresh yeastin warm water. It is important that the water is not cold to activate the ferment.
  2. Next, we place the whole spelled flour in a bowl and add the water with the yeast, the oil and the salt.
  3. We mix everything well until we obtain a homogeneous mass.
  4. Now we sprinkle a little more flour on a work surface and kneadthis whole meal spelled pizza dough between 5 and 10 minutes until we obtain flexible dough but it does not stick to our fingers.
  5. Trick:If the pizza dough is very dry, we can add a little more water but without going overboard.
  6. Next, we will make a ball with the whole spelled dough and let it rest for approximately 1 hour in the same bowl covered with plastic wrap or a clean cloth so that it doublesits volume.
  7. Once the dough has risen, cut it into 4 pieces (one for each spelled pizza) and stretch each one with a rolling pin, placing them better between two parchment papers so they don’t stick to the work surface.
  8. Once you have stretched the whole spelled pizza dough, all you have to do is place the ingredients of your choice on top and bake it at 180º C so that it is ready.

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