White Salmorejo Recipe

The white salmorejo is a cold soup typical of Andalusian cuisine, also called mazamorra from Cordoba, a popular preparation in Córdoba that is prepared the same, however, each house adds its special point. In this case, this white salmorejo consists of a very fresh and very nutritious soup, a typical summer dish that is served as a starter, although it is also a good option as a single dish for lunch or dinner. You should know that to make this soup raw almonds and a good village bread are used, the latter provides the consistency that this soup has, very creamy and without lumps. It is accompanied with chopped ham, chopped hard-boiled eggs, grapes, olives, etc.

Ingredients to make white Salmorejo:

  1. 250 grams of raw almonds
  2. 150 milliliters of olive oil
  3. 3 slices of bread
  4. 1 clove garlic
  5. 1 splash of vinegar
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 500 milliliters of water
  8. To accompany
  9. 2 eggs
  10. 60 grams of chopped ham

How to make white Salmorejo:

  • To start with the white salmorejo recipe, you must first soak the almonds to make it easier to grind them. You should leave them about 15 minutes in the water. When they are ready, remove and drain.
  • In a bowl or in the glass of the blender add the almonds, the bread and the clove of garlic.
  • Add a little oil, salt and vinegar. Next, add a little water to make it easier to start grinding and as needed, add more water.
  • Blend at maximum power until creamy, halfway through add the rest of the oil and continue beating. If it is too thick and you don’t like it, add more water until it has the consistency you like.
  • Keep beating until you get a smooth cream without lumps. Now try salt and vinegar, rectify and leave at its point. Transfer the bowl to the fridge to chill until serving time.
  • You can accompany the white salmorejo with hard-boiled eggs. To do this, place a saucepan with water and add the eggs to cook for about 10 minutes. You can put 1 egg per diner. When they are ready, remove and let them cool, since they must be cold when serving them.
  • When you are going to serve the almond salmorejo, place the hard-boiled eggs on a plate, on another, chopped ham, black olives and grapes. Each diner will add what they like best to accompany the white salmorejo. Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of the final result.

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