White Rice with Green Tomato Recipe

Rice is one of the most consumed cereals since ancient times and usually belongs to the basic basket of the vast majority of countries in the world. Each region has its characteristic style to prepare it and there are also a wide variety of types of rice, all of them with a different style of preparation.

This time we bring you an exquisite Mexican recipe for rice with green tomato that will not be in sauce but rather with small pieces of green tomato that will give it a different and delicious touch of flavor. If you want to know more about this preparation, stay with us and together, step by step, we will prepare this rich recipe for rice with green tomato, you will see that you will love it.

Ingredients to make white rice with green tomato:

  1. 1 cup of rice
  2. 2 cups of water (480 milliliters)
  3. ¼ piece of Onion
  4. 1 clove garlic
  5. 6 pieces of medium green tomato
  6. 6 pieces of fat pepper
  7. 1 tablespoon of powdered chicken consommé
  8. 4 tablespoons of oil

How to make white rice with green tomato:

  • In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious white rice with green tomato, do not lose details.
  • We are going to start this Mexican recipe by washing the green tomatoes perfectly well and then we will slice them into small pieces as we can see in the following image. Once ready, we reserve them for a moment.
  • Now we take the rice and pour it over a saucepan with the previously heated oil, let it fry until it is slightly golden, and stir constantly to prevent it from burning.
  • Meanwhile, place the water, onion, garlic, peppercorns and powdered chicken consommé in the blender, and blend until obtaining a homogeneous mixture for the green rice. We reserve a moment.
  • When the rice is half golden we add the pieces of green tomato and let them fry the rest of the time together with the rice.
  • Once the rice is golden, we take the mixture of seasonings that we liquefied a moment ago, pour it over the rice, and stir to incorporate everything perfectly well. We cover the saucepan to cook the rice and cook it over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes. We stir from time to time to prevent the rice with green tomato sauce from sticking to the pot or burning, although we do not stir much to prevent the rice from beating.
  • After this time, we remove it from the heat, we make sure that the rice is well cooked, since it should be soft, and if so, it is READY! This white rice with green tomato is a great starter for a protein-based main dish. Bon Appetite!

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