White Chocolate Custard Recipe

There is nothing like having a delicious custard for a snack or dessert to treat ourselves from time to time. It is even better if we prepare them at home, since we also have the satisfaction of trying something of our own creation. For this reason, in this article we are going to prepare a version of this delicious dessert: a recipe for white chocolate custard.

If you are a lover of white chocolate, we assure you that these custards will be so tempting that they will not last long in the refrigerator. It is a perfect sweet for adults and children that will be your best companion after a meal or during a hot afternoon. Read on and discover how to make white chocolate custard in just a few steps!

Ingredients to make White Chocolate Custard:

  • 1 tablet of white chocolate to melt
  • 2 teaspoons of cornmeal
  • 1 pinch of white pepper powder
  • 700 milliliters of whole or semi-whole milk
  • 3 units of egg yolks
  • 75 grams of white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
  • Zest of half a lemon

How to make White Chocolate Custard:

  1. The first thing you should prepare is the white chocolate. Grate it to make it easier to melt and reserve.
  2. Pour 200 of the 700 ml of milk into a container and add the cornmeal.
  3. Dissolve in its entirety and reserve.
  4. Trick: The milk must be at room temperature so that the ingredients are well integrated.
  5. Heat a saucepan and pour the rest of the milk, the 500 ml.
  6. Wait for the milk to heat up, but do not let it boilso that the other ingredients are not altered.
  7. When the milk is hot and steaming, add a tablespoon of vanilla essence, the lemon zest and a little white pepper.
  8.  Go stirring and let it cook without boiling for 3 minutes, remove from heat.
  9. Tip: You can omit the white pepper, but it will give a very special touch to your homemade custard.
  10. Put the egg yolks in the mixing glass, also add the mixture of milk and flour, as well as the sugar.
  11. Beat everything at minimum speed for 1 minute to prevent the mixture from foaming too much. You can also beat manually or with rods.
  12. Return to the saucepan with the warm milk.
  13. Add the white chocolate and stir to thin it out. Put on the heat once more and try to get the chocolate to melt completely without letting it boil.
  14. Pour the mixture from the blender glass into the saucepan and beat constantly so that lumps do not formor the yolks do not curdle.
  15. Cook for 4 minutes without boiling, you will notice that the mixture of these easy custards will thicken.
  16. Pour the white chocolate custardmixture into the serving bowls or containers. As they cool, you will see them thicken more.
  17. You can add a cookie or syrup of the flavor that you like the most. Another option is to add a flake of cream on top, it will combine perfectly!
  18. When the custard is warm, cover it on top with plastic wrap and refrigerate it in the fridge for 4 hours.

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