White beans with cod and mushrooms recipe

Ingredients to make white beans with cod and mushrooms:

  • 300 grams of white beans
  • ½ kilo of desalted cod
  • 300 grams of mushrooms
  • 75 grams of ripe tomato
  • 100 grams of onion
  • a sprig of parsley
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt

How to make white beans with cod and mushrooms:

1.Soak the beans in cold water overnight.

2.The next morning we drain them, put them in a saucepan, along with the chopped onion, the tomato peeled and cut into small pieces, the garlic, the paprika and the crude oil.

3.We cover the whole with cold water. When it breaks the boil, lower the heat and let it cook slowly, adding the mushrooms cut into strips, ensuring that the beans are always covered with water so that they do not loosen the skin.

4.Once tender, season and let cook very slowly. In the last moment, when the beans are already cooked, add the previously desalted and crumbled cod, and let the stew boil very slowly for 10 minutes.

5.Remove from the heat, sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley and let stand, covered, about 10 minutes before serving.

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