White beans with chorizo ​​recipe

This recipe for white beans with chorizo ​​is a rich homemade vegetable dish ideal for cold days. It is very simple to make and is made with cheap and easy-to-cook ingredients that you will surely have at home. In addition, white beans, kidney beans, kidney beans, white beans or fava beans are very nutritious and a rich source of iron, B vitamins and fiber.

In addition to the legumes, it has a little fresh bacon, chorizo ​​and vegetables. The end result is a dish full of flavor and very homey that will gladden the hearts of everyone at home. Discover how to make white beans with chorizo ​​and bacon and enjoy!

Ingredients to make white beans with chorizo:

  • 400 grams of dried white beans
  • 2 pieces of sausage
  • 1 piece of fresh bacon
  • 1 onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 piece of leek
  • 4 tablespoons of fried or crushed tomato
  • 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika
  • 1 splash of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make white beans with chorizo:

1.The night before, soak the beans covered in plenty of water; leave them for about 10-12 hours.

Tip: for this recipe for white beans with chorizo ​​and vegetables you can also use canned beans and skip this step.

2.Cut the vegetables, peel the garlic cloves and leave them whole. Peel the onion and cut it in half, wash the leek and cut a piece.

3.Put a little oil in a tall pan, add the vegetables, and fry them for a couple of minutes. Next, add the fried or crushed tomato, mix well.

4.Cut the chorizo ​​into slices and the pancetta into pieces.

Tip: you can also vary the preparation and make white beans with chorizo ​​and black pudding.

5.Add the chorizo ​​and the bacon to the pan, stir and let it all cook together for a couple of minutes.

6.Add the teaspoon of sweet paprika to the pan along with everything, stir.

7.Drain the white beans; add them to the pan where you have all the soffit. Add the water until it covers them, leaving about three fingers of water above them. Leave over high heat until the white beans with chorizo ​​begin to boil.

8.When the beans with chorizo ​​begin to boil, remove the foam that forms on top. Lower the heat a little and let the beans cook for an hour. Cut the boil a couple of times by adding a glass of cold water. Make sure they don’t run out of water.

9.When you see that they are almost there, add salt, try and correct until they are to our liking. If you like the broth thicker you can take advantage of the vegetables, onion and leek by crushing them and adding them to the pot. Stir and let cook for about 10 minutes, this gives more flavor and binds the sauce more. If it’s okay with you as it is, take out the vegetables.

When the white beans with chorizo, bacon and vegetables are ready, turn off. Let them rest for a while or until mealtime. From one day to the next they are better. Enjoy the beans with hot chorizo ​​and serve as a main dish accompanied by homemade bread, for example. End the meal with a traditional egg custard dessert. And if you want other recipes with this type of white beans or kidney beans, you can try the beans with tomato or the stew.

White beans with chorizo ​​in an express pot and other recipes

Beans, like many legumes, are a slow cooker dish. You may not have that much time and you want to discover a way to make white beans with chorizo ​​quickly and easily. If that is your case, you can prepare this delicious stew in a pressure cooker or pressure cooker. In this case, let it cook for 30-40 minutes and check the preparation. If the beans are still hard, leave for another 15 minutes. Your plate will be ready!

In addition to preparing this recipe, you can modify it a bit and prepare white beans with chorizo ​​and potatoes, a companion that goes wonderfully and that will be deliciously impregnated with all the flavors of cooking.

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