Whiskey Drinks and Cocktails

Whiskey is a social drink reserved for large events, perhaps for this reason and for other reasons, it is the most consumed alcoholic beverage worldwide. This product is obtained by distilling some cereals (wheat, barley, malt, rye or corn). Subsequently, the product obtained is aged in barrels, traditionally in white oak. So if you have a special celebration coming soon or if you want to treat yourself and wonder how to make cocktails with whiskey, keep reading this article on Free Recipes and discover the best drinks and cocktails with whiskey.

Of course, before starting you will need some basic tools: a shaker, a measure, a spoon with an elongated handle, a mortar and a strainer. If you do not have these professional utensils, you can use similar ones that you already have in your kitchen.

As for whiskey, it is classified according to its origin and its composition (blended, grain or malt). Regarding this, it is interesting to mention that malt whiskey is not so easy to combine due to its strong flavor. So it might be a good idea to start with a Canadian or American whiskey (they don’t use malt).

Whisky Sour

If you want to make simple whiskey cocktails with whiskey, try the whiskey sour. This alcoholic drink belongs to the family of cocktails called sours, whose emblematic ingredients are lemon juice and sweeteners. In addition, this preparation contains whiskey (whether rye, bourbon or other) and optionally, egg white. On this occasion, we bring you the version without eggs, you can easily prepare it by following these steps:


  • 30 milliliters of whiskey (use any type)
  • 30 milliliters of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 slice of lemon


  1. Pour the whiskey, lemon juice and sugar (in that order) into a cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously for a few seconds until the sugar dissolves and the liquids are chilled.
  2. Transfer the contents of the shaker to a short glass containing two ice cubes. Decorate with a cherry or cherry.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: you can use powdered or granulated sugar (the traditional one).

Dulce de leche with whiskey

Whiskey cocktails work great for special celebrations, such as Christmas holidays. Thinking about this, we provide you with a creamy drink very similar to the traditional whiskey cream but with dulce de leche. You will be surprised by its flavor and how easy it is to prepare. Follow the step by step that we indicate below:


  • 500 milliliters of whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 200 grams of dulce de leche
  • 1 cup of whiskey
  • 150 milliliters of milk or cream
  • cinnamon sticks


  1. Place the whole milk and the dulce de leche in a container or blender. Mix both ingredients until fully integrated.
  2. Add the whiskey. Mix again and reserve.
  3. Add 1 tbsp milk or cream to a glass. This ingredient will serve as the background in the drink. It will only do as a layer, not to be blended.
  4. Pour the shake into the glass. Sprinkle with cocoa. And ready!

Yield for 2 diners.

Tip: Traditional whiskey cream contains vanilla, coffee, and/or chocolate.

Blow job shot

If you are planning a crazy party and you want whiskey drinks that are appropriate for the occasion, keep our proposal in mind. This boldly named drink has a strong flavor and is taken in one sip. This drink combines: almond liqueur (amaretto), whiskey cream (baileys) and Mexican coffee liqueur (el Kailua). An excellent adult drink for birthdays and bachelorette parties. A fun way to drink it is to hide your hands behind your back, take the glass in your mouth, straighten it up and tilt the contents to drink it in one go (never using your hands). The best of all? The preparation is very simple! Follow these steps:


  • 15 milliliters of Amaretto
  • 15 milliliters of Baileys
  • 15 milliliters of Kailua


  • Pour in a long shot the Amaretto, the Kailua (slowly) and the Baileys. Respect order and serve very slowly. If you want to soften the flavor, replace the amaretto or baileys with whipped cream.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: The name of the cocktail is said to be inspired by the appearance of the ingredients and the way it is drunk.

Eggnog – eggnog

Although it is difficult to define with any certainty, it seems that eggnog originated in the United Kingdom during the middle Ages. From there, it spread throughout the world. Today eggnog is prepared with different types of liquors, and with different ingredients depending on the country. The Mexican version of this recipe is called eggnog and is one of the most delicious whiskey drinks out there. Follow these easy steps:


  • 8 large eggs
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of whiskey
  • ½ cup of cream
  • Nutmeg


  1. Beat the egg yolks and sugar with an electric mixer. Mix until you get a light, pale yellow texture.
  2. Add the whiskey slowly. Mix again.
  3. In another container mount the cream. Incorporate it into the preparation by making enveloping movements.
  4. Beat the egg whites to the point of snow. Reserve to decorate.
  5. Serve with the cream and ground nutmeg.

Yields for 6 diners.

Tip: Eggnog is also made with rum, brandy, and tequila.


This drink is elegant, famous, evocative and, above all, very cosmopolitan. Its origin is calculated between the years 1860-1874. The Manhattan is an original cocktail, as it is quite customizable. For example, you can choose a sweet or dry whiskey, use Angostura bitters or replace it with other options, and you can also select a dry or sweet vermouth. Perhaps for this reason there are other whiskey cocktails that start from Manhattan: Perfect Manhattan and Latin Manhattan. Do you dare to create yours? We invite you to follow the easy steps of this preparation:


  • 1 ½ ounce of whiskey
  • 1 ounce red or red vermouth
  • 8 drops of Angostura bitters
  • 4 ice cubes


  1. Chill the glass for 10-15 minutes in the freezer. There are many other methods, but this one is very practical.
  2. Add the ice in a cocktail shaker and also the ingredients. Do it in this order: whisky, red or red vermouth, and Angostura bitters.
  3. Stir with a mixer for 8 seconds. Strain the mixture into a previously chilled glass. Decorate by depositing a red cherry in the glass.

Yields for 6 diners.

And if you also want to learn how to make 10 tasty mojito recipes, this article is for you.

Tip: a good Manhattan can never be without a cherry.

Irish coffee with cream

Irish coffee was invented by Joe Sheridan during the 1940s, and its popularity spread around the world. The combination of coffee, whiskey and cream places this preparation among the most exquisite whiskey drinks that exist. What are you waiting for to try it? Follow this step by step!


  • 1 glass of whiskey (preferably Irish)
  • ½ liter of coffee
  • 200 grams of liquid cream (milk cream)
  • 40 grams of sugar


  1. Heat the whiskey with sugarand wait until it boils.
  2. Distribute the mixture in 4 glasses.
  3. Pour over the hot coffee. Have it ready in advance.
  4. Whip the milk cream. Once ready, you can put it in a pastry bag or use it like this.
  5. Cover the glasses with the cream. Enjoy this drink without stirring, so the cream will remain on the surface.

Yields for 4 diners.

Tip: Although whiskey originated in Ireland, the most popular whiskey is Scotch.

John Collins

If you are looking for refreshing and light whiskey drinks, this recipe may be for you. In the famous book “the fine art mixing drinks” (David A. Embryo), it is said that years ago this drink was considered a lemonade with alcohol, but it was prepared with gin, and after time, it was replaced by whiskey or vodka. So, if you fancy a “whiskey lemonade”, follow the next step by step:


  • 1 ounce of whiskey
  • 1 ounce lemon juice
  • Half an ounce sugar syrup
  • Soda or mineral water
  • Lemon slice and cherry


  1. Add the sugar syrup and lemon to a Collins glass. Shake well helping you with a spoon (preferably the special elongated ones).
  2. Put ice in the glass and then fill it with mineral water or soda. Mix a little with the spoon.
  3. Decorate and serve. Put a slice of lemon and a cherry on it.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: the elongated spoon in the world of cocktails is called imperial.

Old Fashion

This drink can be described as simple, strong, refreshing and aromatic. Its invention dates back to 1931, this makes it a classic. This recipe is among the choicest whiskey drinks in the world. Follow the easy steps below:


  • 2 ounces of Bourbon (60 ml)
  • 3 dashes of Angostura
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • ½ ounce of ice cold water (15 ml)
  • 1 Maraschino cherry (optional)
  • Orange peel (decoration)


  1. Add the sugar in a glass and wet it with Angostura. Use a short or Old-Fashioned glass.
  2. Pour in the cold water and dissolve the sugar. Help yourself with a masher (muddler) until you get a reddish syrup.
  3. Deposit 2-3 ice cubes and 1 ounce of the bourbon (30 ml). Stir with a cocktail spoon. The dosage of the bourbon in two parts is practiced to facilitate the final dilution of the cocktail.
  4. Add an additional 2-3 ice cubes, plus the rest of the bourbon. Mix everything again.
  5. Garnish the cocktail. Cut an elongated orange peel, twist it a bit, put it into the drink and stir once more. Finally, add the cherry.

Yield for 1 diner.

Mint Julep

This drink is very kind to the palate, as its flavor is sweet and refreshing. In addition, it has a long history, as it originates in the southern United States during the 18th century. It could be described as one of those whiskey drinks that you must try at least once in your life. If you think that this moment has arrived, follow the following step by step of this famous drink:


  • 1/3 ounce syrup
  • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ounces of Glen Fiddich 12 years
  • shaved ice
  • 1 sprig of mint


  1. Crush the mint leaves against the bottom of the glass with a mortar and pestle. Do it gently and only a little, otherwise it will make the drink bitter.
  2. Pour in the syrup. Crush the leaves again and mix them with the syrup.
  3. Add the Glen Fiddich and fill the glass with shaved ice. Put it to the top, it should form a small mountain.
  4. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Yield for 1 diner.

Rusty Nail

If you are looking for simple whiskey cocktails, the Rusty Nail is for you. Also, whenever you need a digestive, you can prepare it, because of its aromatic flavors and moderate alcohol level. Taste this evocative drink by following these easy steps:


  • 11/2 ounce scotch whiskey
  • 11/2 ounce Drambuie
  • Ice
  • 1 slice of lemon


  1. Fill a glass with ice to the top. Use a lowball glass or an Old-Fashioned glass.
  2. Pour in the Scotch and Drambuie. Put the final touch by placing a slice of lemon.

Yield for 1 diner.

What do you think of this article about the different drinks and cocktails with whiskey? Leave us your opinion in the comments. And also, if you want to know more recipes for this summer, do not miss this article on 20 easy drinks with gin. Keep reading!

Tip: This drink was very famous during the 50’s in Hollywood.

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