Wheat Pozole Recipe

In September the national holidays are celebrated in Mexico, so it is a month where multiple traditional dishes of this country are cooked. During these festivities, you can’t miss one of the most popular dishes, pozole, but how about a low-fat, corn-free recipe? On this occasion, we are going to prepare a delicious and festive wheat and chicken pozole, ideal for those who do not like pork and corn or simply if you want to make a different pozole.

Take advantage of the fact that wheat is an excellent source of energy and enjoy this delicious pozole at lunchtime or the next day of a good party. Keep reading this recipe, learn how to make wheat pozole and surprise your loved ones with something different. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make wheat Pozole:

  1. 300 grams of whole wheat
  2. 400 grams of chicken
  3. 1 piece of onion
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  6. Water
  7. 10 clean guajillo chilies
  8. 2 chilies de arbor (optional)
  9. 1 pinch of salt to taste
  10. 2 large peppercorns
  11. 1 pinch of cumin
  12. 2 cloves
  13. To accompany:
  14. Lettuce
  15. sliced ​​radish
  16. Lemon
  17. Dried oregano
  18. toasts

You may also be interested in: Red Pozole

How to make Wheat Pozole:

  • Start the wheat pozole recipe by soaking the wheat in enough water for a minimum of 2 hours. If you prefer, you can do this step the night before and let it soak overnight.
  • To cook the chicken, place enough water, a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, salt to taste and a pinch of dried oregano in a pot. You can use the chicken pieces that you like the most, since all of them are used to prepare the pozole. Let cook for 25 to 30 minutes.
  • When the chicken is ready, remove it from the water and also remove the piece of onion and the clove of garlic, but do not discard the broth. In the same or a different pot, empty the soaked wheat and cook it in the chicken broth for 30 minutes or until it begins to flower or open up a bit.
  • While the wheat is finished cooking, soften the clean guajillo peppers without seeds or veins and the tree peppers with hot water (we recommend adding the latter if you want to add a spicy touch to the wheat pozole). Then, take the chilies to the blender with 1 large clove of garlic, 2 allspice, a pinch of cumin, 2 cloves and a splash of water and blend very well.
  • When the wheat has already flowered a little, pour the chili sauce that you blended in the previous step, mix, season with salt to taste and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Trick: you can add other ingredients to the pozole such as chopped carrots or zucchini, as well as mushrooms.
  • After 10 minutes, add the chicken in pieces or shredded, mix once more, check the flavor to rectify if necessary, cover and cook over medium-low heat for 10 more minutes.
  • Once the wheat pozole is ready, serve it with lettuce to taste, radish and a touch of lemon. Don’t forget the toast! Now you know that you can use the whole wheat grain and take advantage of it in delicious recipes like this one, since it is a good substitute for hominy and, depending on the place, it is even cheaper.

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