What to have for dinner to lose weight: tips and healthy recipes

There is a saying that says: “breakfast like a king, lunch like a bourgeois and dinner like a pauper.” This saying has a lot of truth, because we should always try to prepare light dinners, especially if we are about to go to sleep. This is because while we sleep, the body rests and digestion slows down. Due to the lack of activity and the fact that food is processed more slowly, the night is the time of day when we burn fewer calories.

With that in mind, many people look to diets to lose weight and stay fit. For that reason, we bring you healthy and quick dinners that you can try from home so you don’t gain weight and feel your body is always healthy. Keep in mind that it is also important that you gradually incorporate healthy habits into your routine that help you achieve your goal, such as exercising and sleeping at the right times.

Being clear about what to have for dinner to lose weight fast may seem difficult, but you will see that it will be easy to put it into practice. Remember that results are achieved when we are consistent and our effort is sustained over time. Read on and discover all the  healthy tips and recipes we have for you!

Healthy dinner recipes

Many times it happens that, when they get home at night, people take the first thing they find to eat, without thinking that, probably, what they consume will accumulate as a reserve in the body, bringing with them the dreaded abdominal fat or the rolls.

The best way to combat this habit is to plan the week as much as possible, in order to be able to buy in advance the food that we will use to prepare light dinners and so that the nights do not catch us off guard.

For this, you can take a few minutes of your weekend to plan ahead. The most important thing is to keep in mind that what you eat for dinner has to be easily digestible and, as far as possible, low in calories.

Here we detail a series of healthy dinner recipes that you can easily make any day. The former are perfect for enjoying light dinners in summer and spring. There are options for vegetarians, as well as other dishes with animal protein. These dishes are key so that you are clear about what to have for dinner to lose weight while you sleep, since they will not give your stomach so much work while you rest.

1. Celery, tomato and avocado salad

This celery, tomato and avocado salad is full of flavor and makes an ideal weight loss dinner. It’s super easy to do, just read the steps:


  • 1 romaine lettuce
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 4 plum tomatoes
  • 2 avocados
  • 20 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Lemon-juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Wash the romaine lettuce and cut it into small pieces. Now, put the cherry tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds, stop the cooking by putting them in a bowl with water and ice, and then cut them into large squares. Cut the other ingredients and mix them. Season with lemon, salt, pepper and olive oil. Clever!

2. Lettuce and grapefruit salad

Among the healthy and delicious dinners, the lettuce and grapefruit salad is one of our favorites. Here we detail the steps of this recipe rich in vitamin C:


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 150 grams of lettuce
  • 150 grams of cucumber
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Chop the carrot into thin slices, the cucumber into croissants and the lettuce into pieces.  Mix everything with lemon juice and the other seasonings. Peel and remove grapefruit segments to add to salad. Lastly, add the sesame seeds and voila! If you have any questions, go to our recipe for lettuce and grapefruit salad and we will explain it in more detail.

3. Chicken and Walnut Salad

Easy, nutritious and delicious, this chicken and walnut salad will earn a place in your personal menu every time you wonder what to eat to lose weight. Read how to make it below!


  • 400 grams of roast chicken
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1 large apple
  • 50 grams of walnuts
  • 6 tablespoons light mayonnaise


Cut all the ingredients into small pieces, including the chicken, and peel the apple before cutting it too. Mix all the ingredients with the mayonnaise in a large bowl. Clever!

4. Zucchini cream

If, on the other hand, you are looking for light dinners in winter, this zucchini cream will make a place on your list of healthy dinner recipes because you will love it so much. Please read the steps here carefully:


  • 2 corvettes
  • 1 large potato
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 leek
  • Olive oil
  • Toilet


Cut the onion and leek into equal-sized pieces, as well as the zucchini and potato. Fry them in olive oil, mix the ingredients and add water. Cook for 20-30 minutes. Then, mash the vegetables and add more water if necessary. Clever!

5. Lentil stew with vegetables

Another healthy recipe that is very easy to make is this lentil stew with vegetables. It is very complete and nutritious, plus it is perfect for winter. To prepare it, you just have to follow the following steps.


  • 100 grams of lenses
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • 1/2 purple onion
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 pinch of ground cumin
  • 600 milliliters of water
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Sauté the onion with the pepper (cut into medium pieces) and add the garlic. Then put some cumin, salt and pepper on the vegetables. Add the grated tomato and cook for 4 minutes. Place the soffit in a blender (minus the garlic) and beat with water. In the same pot, cook the potato and carrot (peeled and cut into medium pieces as well). Add the bay leaves and cook. Add the previously rinsed lenses, stir and add salt. Add the sauce to the lenses and cook until tender. Clever!

More healthy dinner recipes

If you have liked the recipes that we have shared, we have a lot of preparations that combine a wide variety of flavors and ingredients with one characteristic in common: they are all excellent for helping us lose weight. Your light dinners can have all the variety and originality of any other type of menu! Write them down and tell us if you prepare any of these healthy recipes:

  • Tomato and caper salad
  • Lettuce, carrot and beetroot salad
  • Fresh spinach and strawberry salad
  • Avocado and salmon salad
  • Venezuelan Caesar salad
  • Caesar salad with tuna
  • Chicken and Celery Salad with Cream Cheese
  • Chicken and apple salad with mayonnaise
  • Green apple and cheese salad
  • Pasta salad with tuna and onion
  • Healthy carrot and orange cream
  • Carrot cream with ginger
  • Purifying vegetable cream
  • Quick and easy vegetable soup
  • Easy spinach cream
  • Lentil soup with pasta
  • Lentil soup to combat the cold
  • Chicken soup with vegetables
  • Peruvian pumpkin loco

What to eat to not gain weight?

For this moment before the break, we have to take care not to stuff our stomach. When it comes to dieting to lose weight, the ideal is always to eat a single small portion. Healthy dinners for adults should be easy to digest, that is, they do not need several hours in the stomach, and otherwise the quality of sleep will deteriorate. Also, if they are very heavy meals, we will not spend the calories that we have consumed, on the contrary, we will use them in reserve and they will accumulate in the abdomen, in the form of fat. For that reason, if you wonder what to have for dinner to lose weight, the following tips will help you!

Drinks must be drinking water. We should not consume bread and if we use a lot of salt, we should use the least amount possible, or gradually reduce its consumption. We can replace it with aromatic herbs, garlic, and mustard, among others.

For this reason, within the group of meats, we recommend, whenever possible, consuming white meats, that is: chicken, fish, turkey, lamb, pork. This is because white meat is digested faster than red meat. It will always be better if you do not use a lot of oil in the preparation and accompany them with a green leafy salad.

If you prefer pasta, you can dine on plain pasta with oil or a light tomato sauce. By simple pasta, we mean pasta that does not contain any fillings, unless it is stuffed with vegetables. On the other hand, it is always preferable that they are cooked with oil and not butter.

Rice with vegetables, soups, creams or salads are all good options, but you have to be careful to only consume one portion, that is, not to repeat, in addition to chewing slowly so that you can fill up more easily. The important thing is to think consciously about what you eat and, above all, enjoy it.

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