What is Quinoa and how is it Prepared?

It could be said that it is one of the fashionable foods, but, in reality, it is an ancient food. Surely you have heard of a good quinoa recipe out there, and how this is one of the most advisable pieces for a varied and balanced diet, so much so that even professional nutritionists strongly recommend it.

But why? What is special about quinoa and what is there to know about it? We can start by telling you that it is one of the few super foods that exist in the world, but its background and benefits are much more interesting than that. For that reason, in this Free Recipes article we are going to explain everything you need to know, from exactly what quinoa is to how to prepare quinoa, along with simple but healthy quinoa recipes that you will love.

What is quinoa

It sounds more and more, although there are many who still do not know what exactly it is. Quinoa is usually associated with couscous or rice, but the first thing to make clear is that it is not a cereal. Actually, it is a seed, one that has unique and special characteristics that allow it to be consumed as a cereal would be consumed. That peculiar nature, halfway between the seed and the cereal, is what makes it be called a pseudo cereal.

The plant of this seed is native to Peru and Bolivia and is found above all in the surroundings of Lake Titicaca. Its properties are so good that in the Quechua language, quinoa is called Chisinau, which means mother grain. A very good way to understand why both in the place where it is most harvested, as in practically the entire Andean zone of South America, it has become one of the main food crops in Latin America.

And what makes it so special besides being a seed that is treated like a cereal? His composition. It has a high amount of protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium or phosphorus. Likewise, it also has good amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 acids, folate, fiber and vitamin B2. All this means that it is considered a super food and, as such, it is recommended to balance and potential the distribution of nutrients in any diet.

Now, to get the most out of it, you also have to know how to prepare it. In turn, it is convenient to know that there are different types of quinoa (white, red, black, etc.). Each one slightly varies its properties, although all can be grouped within the category of super foods. We are going to see what to do to prepare it, in addition to mentioning some details for easy and simple recipes.

How to prepare quinoa

Quinoa should be cooked like any cereal. In fact, the process to follow is quite reminiscent of that of couscous if you want to avoid making more than necessary. It must be washed first, leaving the grain under the tap while it drains to remove any remains that it may have from its time in the industry. Then, you have to cook the quinoa as you would cook rice. The ideal ratio is two parts of water for each part of quinoa.

The rest of the process is to let the quinoa cook approximately a quarter of now over medium heat and, if possible, in a covered pot. Of course, it is advisable to constantly monitor to avoid consuming more than necessary. You can see that the seeds are ready when they take up twice the space and are practically transparent. Once they reach that state, they are removed and left to rest while they drain to release all the water they retain. An additional trick to make it better is to toast the seeds before cooking them.

With the quinoa ready, the simplest recipe requires preparing zucchini, red pepper, carrots, peas, onion and garlic, as well as oil, salt and pepper. Cut all the vegetables into small cubes, except the garlic, which is left whole. Then, in a large frying pan or in a good wok, heat 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil and, over medium heat, brown the garlic clove. When it is golden, remove it and add everything else, except the peas and the corvette.

Everything is done and, when it begins to be soft, add the peas and the courgette. Move everything while seasoning and cooking until fully cooked, although not very soft. Finally, the garlic is added and mixed with the quinoa, ready to serve. Although it is advisable to leave everything together for a minute and stirring so that the flavor mixes well and the final result is even better.

Other quinoa recipes with vegetables or mushrooms

One of the ingredients that most combine with easy-to-prepare quinoa recipes are vegetables and mushrooms in general. From broccoli or cauliflower, to peppers, tomatoes or onions. They all add great flavor to quinoa dishes. And let’s not mention the mushrooms, they can be mushrooms, chanterelles or any other mushroom, all of which are delicious sautéed.

In addition, vegetables have many good nutritional properties for our body, such as a high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and a low caloric density. Therefore, they are not only healthy but we can also make them with many simple quinoa recipes.

  • Quinoa with baked vegetables
  • Quinoa and vegetable tortilla
  • Quinoa with mushrooms

Quinoa recipes with chicken

Other of the best recipes with quinoa that we can make are with chicken. This white meat bird with a tender texture and mild flavor is highly recommended for many cooking recipes with quinoa due to its nutritional benefits. They highlight its low fat content and its high content of protein, vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium that help our metabolism to function properly.

Likewise, we can use any part of the chicken body for cooking, we can find it anywhere and it is cheap. Therefore, if in addition to making chicken you combine it with quinoa, you can prepare these delicious and easy recipes with this pseudo cereal:

  • Quinoa with chicken
  • Chicken and quinoa stew
  • Chicken chili with quinoa

Quinoa recipes with fish or seafood

Continuing with the question of how to cook quinoa, we find the recipes that are made with fish or shellfish. It does not matter if it is oily fish, white fish or shellfish, because all these foods are essential for any good diet that is provided.

And it is that apart from being rich in proteins of high biological value, they are also a great source of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, which is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, for example. In addition, they are low in calories and contain many essential fatty acids such as omega-3. That is why combining them with the properties of quinoa, fish and shellfish are an ideal dish.

  • salmon with quinoa
  • squid with quinoa
  • Quinoa Crusted Fish

Salads with quinoa

Salads are also a good option when it comes to knowing how to prepare quinoa, since, as we all know, they are super healthy. Not only do they hydrate and refresh our body due to their high water content, but they are also purifying, antioxidant and regulate the intestinal tract thanks to the great source of fiber they contain.

Whether they are salads with green leaves or other types of leaves, if you want to make an ultra-healthy and light dish for dinner, for example, remember these delicious recipes with quinoa that we propose:

  • Beet and quinoa salad
  • Quinoa salad with tuna
  • Quinoa and avocado salad

Desserts with quinoa

Another way to enrich ourselves with the properties of quinoa is by making different desserts. Yes, yes, you heard right. We have written “desserts”, and not everyone knows that we can also make easy sweet desserts with this food.

On this occasion we leave you our favorite quinoa desserts, but know that there are many more that would be included in the selection of the best quinoa recipes that we have made:

  • quinoa cake
  • quinoa muffins
  • quinoa pancakes

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