Weathered Fish Recipe

Ingredients to make Weathered Fish:

  • 1kg of fish (bass)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 oz. cooking oil (separate for frying)
  • 1 cube of shrimp broth
  • i am willow
  • salted
  • Pepper
  • garlic powder / dehydrated garlic
  • 1 1/2 cup wheat flour
  • 2 cups of water

How to make Weathered Fish:

  1. The fish is cut into pieces of approximately 5 cm. long and 1 cm thick, the cut must be very thin.
  2. Marinate for approximately 1 hour in soy, garlic, a little salt and a little pepper.
  3. Separately, the flour, the cube, the baking soda and the oil (1Oz) are put in the blender or mixer and the water is added little by little until a thick paste is obtained.
  4. The fish is bathed in the paste and fried in very hot oil until it is golden brown.
  5. Tip: fry it little by little without overlapping each other so that they do not get watery or soaked.
  6. Tacos can be made with corn tortillas, green sauce, lemon and
  7. A cabbage salad with salted onion, slices of grilled green Chile (roasted), grated carrot, or a little bit of mayonnaise and a touch of mustard, pepper to taste.

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