Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe without Tomato

The varieties of gazpacho that can be made today are endless given the wide variety of fruits that we have. Also, you should know that the main ingredient of gazpacho is tomato, but not everyone likes it due to its acidity. For this reason, making gazpacho without tomato is possible while preserving its characteristic red color and being much more digestible and digestive for the body. On this occasion, we suggest you make tomato-free watermelon gazpacho, also called tomato-free watermelon soup, suitable for vegetarians, vegans and even for people who want to lose weight, since it does not contain bread. A refreshing gazpacho to better cope with the high summer temperatures.

If you haven’t tried this delicious gazpacho yet, stay with us and learn how to make easy watermelon gazpacho without tomato. Go for the recipe!

Ingredients to make watermelon Gazpacho without tomato:

  1. 1 kilogram of watermelon without rind
  2. 1 small red bell pepper
  3. 1 clove garlic
  4. 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
  5. 2 dessert spoons of salt
  6. 3 tablespoons of olive oil

How to make watermelon Gazpacho without tomato:

  • To make the watermelon gazpacho recipe without tomato, you must first remove the rind from the watermelon and weigh 1 kilo of pulp. Next, cut the watermelon into cubes. On the other hand, wash the pepper and dry it, cut it into strips and then into smaller pieces. Put both the pieces of watermelon and the chopped pepper in the glass of a powerful blender, preferably in a blender called “glass”.
  • Peel the clove of garlic, remove the inner germ so that it does not repeat itself and also add it to the blender glass. Add the vinegar, salt and olive oil.
  • Tip: watermelon gazpacho does not need to be added water, since watermelon is a fruit that has a high water content.
  • Cover the glass mixer and blend until it has a homogeneous texture and without lumps. Then, open the lid and taste, correct if necessary salt, oil or vinegar. The flavor of watermelon gazpacho without tomato is usually quite sweet, depending on the ripeness of the fruit.
  • Pour the watermelon gazpacho without tomato in a large pitcher and place in the fridge until very cold. Serve in bowls and decorate with chopped peppers or Serrano ham if you like more.

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