Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Gazpacho is a starter that cannot be missed during the hot months because it allows us to cool down while nourishing ourselves thanks to the ingredients that make it up. Today there are many variants that have emerged from the traditional recipe, like this one that we share made with watermelon. To make this version I usually put less tomato so that the watermelon stands out a little more, but without taking away the main ingredients. In this way, a balanced and delicious dish is left.

Stay with us to discover how to make watermelon gazpacho and surprise with an original recipe, different from the usual and full of flavor.

Ingredients to make Watermelon Gazpacho:

  1. 500 grams of watermelon
  2. 250 grams of tomatoes
  3. 1 piece of onion
  4. 1 piece of green pepper
  5. 1 clove garlic
  6. 1 piece of cucumber
  7. 1 glass of water
  8. 1 splash of olive oil
  9. 1 splash of white vinegar
  10. 1 pinch of salt
  11. 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Watermelon Gazpacho:

  • Prepare the vegetables and watermelon. To do this, remove the skin of the watermelon and cut it into pieces; do the same with the cucumber. Also peel the onion and cut it into pieces, wash the green pepper and chop it, cut and peel the garlic clove.
  • Trick: it is not necessary to cut the ingredients into very small or equal pieces because we are going to crush everything.
  • Take some ripe tomatoes, remove the skin and, if you want, the seeds too. Then cut them into pieces.
  • Tip: to peel the tomatoes you can use a potato peeler or scald them, that is, cut them crosswise at the base and leave them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.
  • To continue with the easy watermelon gazpacho recipe, take a deep bowl and add all the chopped ingredients.
  • Add a little water, salt, a splash of oil and vinegar and blend everything with an electric mixer until it is a fine cream. If we see that it is very thick, you can add more water until it is to your liking.
  • If you prefer the watermelon and tomato gazpacho to be finer, you can pass it through a sieve, although in general it usually turns out fine just by grinding it.
  • Taste to see how it tastes and add more salt, olive oil or vinegar if necessary. On the other hand, if you notice that the flavor of the watermelon does not stand out much, you can add a little more and grind again. Likewise, for the next time you can try to reduce the amount of an ingredient.
  • Reserve the watermelon and cucumber gazpacho in the fridge until it is time to drink it, since it must be very cold. You can even put some ice cubes if necessary. Serve it in a bowl with a splash of oil and pepper. To enhance the flavor, you can accompany it with pieces of watermelon.

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