Warm Pear Salad Recipe

We present you a very tasty original recipe: the warm pear salad. We have combined it with bacon and pine nuts, but if you want to avoid the meat, you can substitute the bacon for tofu. Cheer up to prepare this delicious starter for New Year’s Eve dinner!

Ingredients to make Warm Pear Salad:

  • 1 per unit
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 20 grams of pine nuts
  • 200 grams of fresh spinach
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey
  • 2 dessert spoons of balsamic oil
  • 1 tablespoon of Butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Warm Pear Salad:

We gather all the ingredients to make the warm pear salad. In a pan, sauté the bacon until crispy. We have cut the slices into small pieces but they can also be left whole and cooked until they are very crispy. Once cooked, reserve. In the same pan, brown the pine nuts. They should be toasted without burning.

It is time to cook the pear. In the same pan add the butter and let it melt. Add the pear peeled and cut into pieces. Cook over medium heat for two minutes. Next, add the honey and balsamic vinegar. Cook until the pear caramelizes a little (about four minutes over low heat). Once ready, remove the pear from the pan and let it cool. Reserve the pear cooking liquid. In a salad bowl we assemble the salad: we arrange the spinach leaves, the pine nuts and the bacon. Add olive oil to the pear cooking sauce and mix well. We also add a pinch of salt. With this sauce we are going to dress our warm pear salad.

Add the warm pear to the salad and dress it with the dressing. If you prefer, you can prepare a simple dressing with balsamic vinegar, oil and salt. This warm pear salad is a very attractive and flavorful starter that will not disappoint you.

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