Wake Salad Recipe

A fresh and very healthy salad, easy and quick to make. Wake seaweed has many properties, which is why in China it is used to prepare miso soup and many other reacts.  This seaweed contains a lot of calcium and iodine, vitamins, iron, folic acid and a lot of antioxidants. It is purifying, helps the nervous system and takes care of our bones. Also, it has very few calories.

As you can see, this food is a great ally to preserve our health. For this reason, including it in our diet is more than recommended. Doing it is very simple, since you only have to put it in water for a few minutes to hydrate or cook it. It has a meaty texture and a mild flavor.  The amounts for this salad are to our liking, so you can add more or less. We teach you how to make wake seaweed salad with cucumber and other ingredients that you will love. Keep reading!

Ingredients to make Wake Salad:

  • 1 package of wake seaweed (50 g approx.)
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 bunch of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 radishes
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of balsamic vinegar

How to make Wake Salad:

I leave all the ingredients ready to make the wake salad. As we say, we have opted for these ingredients, but you can also use carrot, onion, smoked salmon, avocado, boiled eggs, zucchini, lemon juice…

Put the wake seaweed in a bowl with water to hydrate it and leave it for 15 minutes or the time indicated by the manufacturer. They can be put in pieces or whole.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them into pieces, which can be in half or quarters.  Wash the radishes and do the same. Cut the onion into pieces too. And if you want to give your wake salad a different touch, use candied cherry tomatoes. Peel the cucumber and cut it into squares or slices, as you like. Take all the previous ingredients, except the seaweed, and place them in the dish that you will use to serve the salad. After 15 minutes, remove the algae and clean them with your hands under the tap because sometimes they carry a bit of grit. Drain them well. Once you have the drained seaweed, cut it into thin strips or larger pieces. Again, you decide how you want to add it to your salad. Add the wake seaweed to the salad and mix it with the other ingredients. Prepare vinaigrette to season the dish. You can choose to mix olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar or try something more elaborates, such as honey and mustard vinaigrette or orange vinaigrette.

You can also serve the wake and cucumber salad recipe with sesame seeds on top, soy or nuts. Bon Appetite!

Wake salad – Nutritional value

Without a doubt, the wake salad that we have shared is very complete, since it combines the properties of the seaweed with all the benefits of the rest of the ingredients. As we have said, wake seaweed is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, nutrients that are added to the vitamins and minerals also present in other foods. Cucumber, for example, contains a large quantity of water, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins. Onions contain calcium, phosphorus and potassium in large quantities, radishes are also rich in calcium and potassium and Cherry tomatoes contain more carbohydrates.

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