Waffles recipe without waffle maker

The waffle is one of the most popular breakfasts in the world. Of French origin, waffles spread throughout the world thanks to their delicious flavor and ease of preparation. They are distinguished from other preparations made with wheat flour, sugar, butter and eggs, due to their characteristic shape: a kind of “latticework” that is obtained by cooking the dough between two hot griddle plates.

It is likely that you already know this delicious dish, but you have not yet decided to prepare it at home because you do not have a waffle maker. Cheer up! We offer you a way tested by us to cook them. To prepare this waffle recipe without a waffle maker, you only need an electric sandwich maker. Although the waffle maker will always be the best option, the sandwich maker has the advantage over other alternative methods because they are two hot plates that will serve to give the texture and flavor that characterizes the waffles. You dare? Read on and find out how to make waffles without a waffle maker!

Ingredients to make Waffles without a waffle maker:

  • 220 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 1 dessert spoon of baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 milliliters of liquid milk
  • 100 grams of butter or margarine
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla

How to make Waffles without a waffle maker:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt and baking powder. Mix them well.
  2. Add the sugar. You can add a little less or more, it all depends on your taste.
  3. Now add the whole eggs.
  4. Now the milk at room temperature.
  5. Lastly, pour in the butter and vanilla.
  6. It is not necessary to do it in the blender or with a mixer.
  7. Contrary to cakes or pancakes, we do not need a lot of air in the mixture because they are not fluffy.
  8. Beat very well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. The consistency is lighter than cake mix.
  9. Grease your sandwich maker thoroughly to get the crispy waffle texture.
  10. Pour the mixture on the griddle. Try to distribute it perfectly so that it does not cook unevenly. Now you must let the sandwich maker do its job.
  11. Turn it over and make sure it browns a little more on the opposite side.
  12. How long you should leave them in the sandwich maker will depend on the heat of your griddle, so pay attention to how long it takes for the first ones to brown and apply the same amount of time with the rest of the waffle mix.
  13. When they are ready, cut the waffles in half and serve them with the sides you want.


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