Vigil stew recipe without cod

Holy Week is inexorably approaching, and with it, the gastronomy most typical of Easter. Such is the case of the Andalusia vigil stew that we propose, in this case without the cod, making it doubly ideal for those who still maintain the tradition of not eating any meat, not even fish. And it is that the Lenten recipes have something special that make us travel to childhood and family memories.

We have many acquaintances who ask us how to make chickpea stew, because they have the wrong idea that it is a complicated and laborious recipe. That is why we propose this easy vigil soup recipe without cod that we have made with already cooked chickpeas; It is very interesting to make a couple more handfuls of chickpeas with the stew and freeze it for when we want to make stews, such as the Andalusia cod stew, which, unlike our recipe, does have a little desalted and crumbled cod.

Ingredients to make Potage de vigil without cod:

  • 300 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 100 grams of Spinach
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 1 piece of black pepper
  • 50 grams of onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 units of Eggs
  • 50 milliliters of oil
  • 60 milliliters of fried tomato

How to make Potage de vigil without cod:

  1. Before starting the elaboration of the vigil stew without cod, we present the ingredients that we need.
  2. We cook the eggs.
  3. In another pan, we proceed to cook the spinach with a pinch of salt.
  4. While the eggs and spinach are cooking, we take the opportunity to chop the garlic and onion. We heat a little oil to make a sauce for the vigil soup.
  5. Once we have browned the onion and garlic, add the parsley and pepper. Finally, we add the fried tomato.
  6. Pour the cooked chickpeas into a saucepan, drain the spinach and add it to the chickpeas. We give it a heat while we remove it.
  7. Now add the chickpea and spinach stew sauce with the fried tomato.
  8. Let the pot come to a slight boil and let the vigil soup stand for another three minutes. The eggs will also be already cooked, so we proceed to peel them, wash them and chop them.
  9. We add the hard- boiled eggs to the vigil soup without cod and let’s eat!

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