Veracruz Inflated Recipe

When it comes to Mexican appetizers, the inflated ones from Veracruz are a delight for many palates. This recipe consists of a disc of dough for puffed corn gorditas that, when fried in abundant oil, inflates, creating a kind of bulging gordita. This can be eaten and stuffed with any stew. Generally, it is accompanied with grated lettuce, tomato, cheese and sauce to taste. Learn in a simple way to prepare this delicious Mexican dish, with few ingredients you will achieve an incredible recipe, full of flavor and visually attractive.

Ingredients to make Infladas from Veracruz:

  • 600 grams of nixtamalized corn flour
  • 2 cups of water (480 milliliters)
  • 50 grams of corn starch
  • 500 milliliters of oil
  • 300 grams of refried beans
  • Shredded lettuce to taste
  • Tomato slices
  • Grated cheese to taste
  • Sour cream to taste
  • Hot sauce to taste

How to make Infladas from Veracruz:

Are you wondering how to prepare the dough for the fried gorditas? To do this, in a container mix the corn flour, the corn starch and the pinch of salt. Then, add water little by little until you get a soft, manageable dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover with a damp cloth and let stand 20 minutes. When the dough has rested, begin to form the puffs. To do this, take a portion and with a tortilla press press until it is about 6 to 8 cm in diameter and about 3 millimeters thick.

Fry in plenty of hot oil and with a ladle bathe the dough in the oil to puff it up, let it brown evenly and then remove from the oil. To serve you can cut, open and fill the Veracruz puffs. On the other hand, if you don’t want to open them, you can add some refried beans on top, followed by shredded lettuce, and shredded cheese, a few slices of tomato, sour cream and hot sauce to taste. Don’t miss this recipe and surprise your family with this rich flavor of the gorditas from Veracruz!

Dough for gorditas or inflated Veracruz

The protagonist of this recipe is the fried gorditas corn dough, because with it the puffed shape is given. In addition, you can get the dough already ready in tortilla shops or in the supermarket, but if you cannot make it yourself with nixtamalized corn flour, follow the steps of the recipe so that you have ten left, although there are other ingredients that you can add to achieve the perfect puffer. One of them is to replace the corn starch with wheat or rice flour, this will provide that when frying it is very crispy. Another ingredient that you can add to the dough is a little mashed cooked potato, it will add a special flavor and texture. Even with the recipe for the dough, you will not only be able to prepare puffed veracruzanas, it will also serve to make bean gorditas, and for example, so you can take advantage and prepare both recipes.

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