Venezuelan Tuna Antipasto Recipe

In Venezuela it is common to taste a good antipasto of tuna and vegetables as an appetizer or snack in informal meetings. Venezuelan antipasto is usually prepared with ingredients such as tuna (sometimes), tomato sauce, pickles, and vegetables prepared in a vinaigrette. Perhaps this Venezuelan tuna antipasto recipe comes as a legacy of the emigrations of Italian families to the country, during different historical periods. In Argentina and Colombia there is a similar version of antipasto, whose origin is very similar to that of my country.

We offers you a Caribbean version of the traditional Italian starter, a classic of world cuisine: Venezuelan tuna antipasto. A dish that saves you time thanks to its versatility and durability. A delicacy to taste at any time!

Ingredients to make Venezuelan Tuna Antipasto:

  • 1 jar of pickles (small bottle)
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 125 grams of carrot
  • 250 grams of cauliflower
  • 250 grams of white onion
  • 3 cans of tuna (in oil)
  • 10 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce (medium)
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of salt

How to make Venezuelan Tuna Antipasto:

Empty small pickle jar and drain vegetables. Separate the solid from the liquid. Reserve both separately. Wash and chop the onion and bell pepper julienne style. While the carrot cut it into cubes. Wash and cut the cauliflower trying to separate it into parts. Each little tree of the vegetable should be the size of a bite. Place the cauliflower florets in a saucepan. Boil with enough water and add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 of salt. Wait 10 minutes before removing from heat. Subsequently, drain very well and reserve. Open the 3 cans of tuna and drain the oil. Reserve the fish. Sauté the carrot in a pan for approximately 8 minutes. Then remove and let cool to room temperature. Add oil to another pan or the same one where you cooked the carrots but you must wash it before. Wait until the oil is hot but not smoking and sauté the onions. Cover and cook for 5 more minutes over medium-low heat. Next, add the pepper and wait until it is tender.

Add the cauliflower, carrot, tuna, tomato sauce and 4 tablespoons of the pickle vinegar to the preparation. Wait 15 minutes and apply medium heat. Stir and mix very well all the ingredients of the Venezuelan tuna antipasto.

Tip: I recommend using a large frying pan, but if you don’t have one at the moment, you can transfer the preparation to a large saucepan, as in my case.

The Venezuelan tuna antipasto can be served hot or cold, it all depends on your taste. You can taste it accompanied by toasted bread, crackers , rice, vegetable puree, pasta (cold or hot), stuffed pasta (cannelloni, pasticho and others), potatoes, vegetables, casaba, cassava, tostones (patacones), sweet potato or use it to fill sandwiches. The Caribbean antipasti! The Venezuelan tuna antipasto is so versatile that you can solve snacks, quick lunches or dinners with unexpected guests without complications.

Antipasto recipes in Italy

The Italian antipasto is a worthy representative of the traditional cuisine of that country.  However, today there are many versions around the world. In Italy, antipasto groups several types of dishes, which are served as a first course or starters in restaurants, bars and antipasto carts. However, in other countries this preparation is also served as an appetizer.

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