Venezuelan Plantain Candy Recipe

If there is an easy and quick sweet to make, it is this Venezuelan fried plantain sweet. By itself, the banana is a highly appreciated fruit in that country and is part of what many identify as the national dish of Venezuela: the pabellón.

Also, to make this Venezuelan plantain candy recipe you only need plantains that are ripe and have no traces of green on the peel. Of course, that they are not so ripe or almost black either, because the banana pieces could fall apart with prolonged cooking and the idea is that they are preserved more or less whole. The rest are ingredients that you always have at home.

One of the wonders of this dessert or snack is that it can be eaten still hot. So not only is it quick to make, but you won’t have to wait long to enjoy it. Let’s not waste any more time then and discover how to make Venezuelan plantain candy with this article.

Ingredients to make Venezuelan banana candy:

  • 2 bananas
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)
  • 1 dessert spoon cornstarch
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4 cloves
  • frying oil

How to make Venezuelan Banana Candy:

  1. Take all the bananas and remove the peel.
  2.  Cut them into thirds, or quarters if the bananas are very large. In any case, try to make the pieces more or less the same.
  3. In abundant oil, fry all the banana pieces.
  4. Brown the plantains completely and stir them constantly to prevent them from burning.
  5. This is important if the plantain is wide, so that it cooks well on the inside.
  6. Reserve the already fried plantain pieces.
  7. In the same pan where you fried the plantains, remove most of the oil and add ¾ cup of water(reserve the other quarter), the sugar, cinnamon, and cloves.
  8. Let it boil a little and place the bananas to cook for a while until the volume of the liquid decreases a little.
  9. This takes about 10 minutes on high heat.
  10. Now, remove from the heat and let it cool for a minute so that the boil calms down.
  11. During that time, mix the cornstarch with the reserved ¼ cup water and pour it into the pan.
  12. Bring it to low heat for the cornstarch to cook and that’s it. Serve your hot or cold Venezuelan plantain candy.


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