Venezuelan Fried Arepas Recipe

Venezuelan arepas are very easy to make and the only variation when making them fried is that the dough should be very soft and we can add a little grated cheese. If you like crispy arepas, this easy recipe is what you were looking for, learn how to make authentic fried corn arepas and give them your personal touch by filling them with your favorite flavors. Let’s do it!

Ingredients to make Venezuelan Fried Arepas:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)
  • ¼ cup of milk (60 milliliters)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon grated cheese (optional)

How to make Venezuelan Fried Arepas:

  • To start preparing the fried corn arepitas, the first thing is to make the dough. To do this, mix the milk with the water, then mix this liquid with the dough, salt and cheese if you want to add it. You can use any type of cheese.
  • Knead the ingredients well until you feel no lumps, the dough should be malleable and slightly sticky. You may need to add a little more water or flour.
  • When you get the right texture, form small balls of dough and flatten them into slightly oval circles. In this case, arepitas are prepared, but if you want to make them larger, I recommend that you make a hole in the center with your finger so that they cook well.
  • Take the corn arepitas to a pan with plenty of hot oil. It is important that the oil is very hot, once you put them to fry, lower the flame slightly so that they do not burn. Cook the arepitas until golden brown on both sides.
  • Place the fried arepas on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
  • Enjoy delicious and crispy Venezuelan Fried Arepas for breakfast, dinner, or even serve as an appetizer at your next gathering. Accompany them with the famous pepiada queen, with cheese, ham or with some scrambled eggs.

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