Vegetarian Pozole with Mushrooms Recipe

Who does not know the traditional Mexican pozole? Made from cacahuazintle corn grain, with a delicious broth that can be white or red, depending on whether chili is added or not, and which can also contain pork or chicken. At this article, we present you a no less delicious vegetarian pozole with mushrooms, a great option for those who are not fond of meat and also for those who are, in a few words everyone will love it. We invite you to join us in its preparation.

Ingredients to make Vegetarian Pozole with Mushrooms:

  1. 2 cups of corn cacahuazintle
  2. 6 pieces of guajillo chilies
  3. 2 cups of Mushrooms
  4. ½ piece of Onion
  5. 2 cloves of garlic
  6. 1 sprig of marjoram
  7. 1 sprig of thyme
  8. 1 pinch of Cumin
  9. 1 pinch of cloves
  10. 1 pinch of whole pepper
  11. 4 pieces of Radish

How to make Vegetarian Pozole with Mushrooms:

  • Here we present the ingredients that we will use for this vegetarian pozole.
  • We are going to start the Mexican recipe by cooking the cacahuazintle corn, since this takes most of the time in the preparation of the vegetarian pozole. So, in a saucepan with boiling water add the corn together with a clove of garlic, a piece of onion and a little salt. This process takes approximately 1 hour.
  • Tip: We know that the corn is cooked when it is soft when trying to break up the kernels.
  • Meanwhile, we are going to devein and clean the guajillo peppers well so that the pozole has a mild flavor.
  • We are going to add them to another saucepan with boiling water along with a piece of onion and garlic, and wait for them to cook well.
  • While the corn and chilies are cooking, we slice the mushrooms and set them aside for a moment. This cut should be a bit thick so that they are not lost in the broth of the vegetarian pozole. We will try that our cuts have an approximate thickness of half a centimeter, as we can see in the image.
  • When the chilies are perfectly cooked, we add them to the blender along with the garlic and onion with which they were boiled, we also add the cumin, the whole pepper, the cloves and a splash of water. When everything is ready, we proceed to form a kind of red sauce.
  • When we have that guajillo chili sauce, we add it to a previously heated saucepan and proceed to add the sprig of thyme and marjoram to season the sauce, along with a pinch of salt.
  • When the cacahuazintle corn is well cooked, we add this red sauce that we formed earlier, move and let it all boil together for a while. Once they are well integrated, we add the sliced ​​mushrooms and wait for them to cook together with the vegetarian Mexican pozole.

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