Vegetable Soup with Ginger Recipe

Today we are going to prepare a hot spoon dish to return our soul to our body, it is a rich vegetable soup, but not just any broth because we will make this soup with leeks, tomato, and mint and ginger… an exotic combination and exquisite.

Check the list of ingredients well and put on your apron, this vegetable soup with ginger has no waste, like nothing you’ve tried before and the recipe is explained step by step and with photos so you don’t have any problem when preparing it.

Ingredients to make Ginger Vegetable Soup:

  1. 1 Carrot
  2. 2 branches of Celery
  3. 8 green beans
  4. ½ cauliflower
  5. 1 piece of ginger
  6. 1 green bell pepper
  7. 1 handful of mint leaves
  8. ½ Leek or Leek
  9. 4 tomatoes
  10. 1 piece of onion
  11. 1 clove garlic
  12. Olive oil

How to make Ginger Vegetable Soup:

  • We start by gathering all the ingredients and chopping all the vegetables, as seen in the photo.
  • Heat a pot with a few drops of oil and begin to prepare the so Frito, sautéing the leek or leek slices.
  • We wait a few seconds and then add the rest of the vegetables along with the ginger, except the onion, tomato and garlic. Ginger can be finely chopped or grated, in any case remember to add only a small amount as its flavor is very powerful.
  • On the other hand, we grind the tomatoes together with the onion and garlic until we form a sauce as uniform as possible.
  • We pass the tomato sauce through a strainer and add this to the fried vegetables that we have in the pot on the fire.
  • Continuing with the preparation of our vegetable soup, now it’s time to add the mint. The ideal is to use fresh leaves, but if you don’t have you can use dried ones. You can also substitute mint for spearmint.
  • Finally, season the soup with a pinch of salt to taste.
  • Leave the vegetable and ginger soup cooking over low heat until it boils. Then we wait for 3 minutes to pass and correct the salt if necessary.
  • After this time we can serve a good plate of vegetable soup with ginger and if you want to enhance the flavors of the dish, I recommend adding a few drops of lemon just before eating. Bon Appetite!

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