Vegetable Soup Recipe for Weight Loss

There is a variety of slimming soups, each with its own particular flavor, but all start from the same base of ingredients considered fat burners, including different vegetables. Of course, in order to lose weight effectively, it is essential to be consistent with diet and exercise, bearing in mind that the most important thing is to follow a healthy and balanced diet, leaving aside the so-called “miracle diets” that do not offer balanced nutrient intake.

Do you dare to carry out a purifying cleansing of your body? With this soup you will be able to get rid of those kilos while detoxifying your body.

Ingredients to make vegetable soup to lose weight:

  1. 2 bunches of spinach
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 artichoke
  4. 2 celery (only its green branches)
  5. 1 leek
  6. 1 spring onion
  7. 3 asparagus of size L (only the tender part)
  8. 1 zucchini
  9. 1 teaspoon salt
  10. 1½ liters of water

How to make vegetable soup to lose weight:

  • To start with the recipe for vegetable soup to lose weight, first thoroughly wash each piece of vegetable to prevent traces of any sulfate or dirt from remaining. In the case of the leek and the spring onion, you can make some cross cuts in their final ends and put them under the sink’s stream of water; undone its main layer.
  • To advance the work, put the pot with water to heat and add salt to the point. Since we are preparing a vegetable soup to lose weight, healthy and purifying, avoid a high amount of sodium. Keep in mind that an excess of sodium can lead to fluid retention, among other problems.
  • Peel and cut off the ends of the carrot and zucchini, then cut all the greens and vegetables into similar pieces. Do not make too large pieces to eat better slimming soup to lose weight. Put all the vegetables in the pot with boiling water, cover it and cook them for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker or 35 minutes if it is a basic lid casserole.
  • Tip: if the vegetable pieces are too big, they will take longer to cook.
  • Uncover the pot and check its texture to see if the vegetables are ready. You can take the weight loss soup as is, but you also have the option of blending the broth together with the vegetables if you like a more uniform broth without chunks. Likewise, you can strain the broth, crush the vegetables to obtain a puree and drink the broth without anything, since it is also purifying and antioxidant. In any case, this vegetable soup to lose weight is perfect and delicious. Another purifying recipe is that of Celery Purifying Cream.

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