Vegetable Sandwich with Egg Recipe

Don’t let the number of steps scare you because preparing this vegetable sandwich with egg and avocado is very easy. I wanted to try original mixes and the truth is that completing this sandwich with the citrus and fresh touches of the orange vinaigrette has been a success. Dare to try it and have something healthy, delicious and different for breakfast.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Sandwich with Egg:

  • 1 unit of Egg
  • 2 slices of cereal bread
  • 3 slices of Tomato
  • ¼ unit of Avocado
  • 1 handful of lettuce mix
  • 1 tablespoon orange vinaigrette
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Vegetable Egg Sandwich:

  • Making this delicious vegetable sandwich with eggs and a touch of citrus is very easy. The first thing you have to do is prepare the ingredients and cut the avocado into thin slices.
  • The citrus dressing for this vegetable sandwich is made with orange, lemon and mustard following the easy orange vinaigrette recipe.
  • Next, prepare the bread by cutting a circle in one of the slices with a pastry cutter, glass or knife. I have used cereal bread, but you can use any sandwich bread.
  • You should have three pieces of bread. Toast the base with a toaster or in the pan and reserve the other two.
  • To prepare the lid with the egg you just have to put the bread with the hole in a hot pan with a few drops of oil.
  • Brown on one side, then flip to add the egg into the hole in the bread. Do it carefully but if it comes out a little on the sides, don’t worry, since we can remove the excess when it’s already cooked.
  • Add a little salt and pepper. If you want you can cook the egg on one side, but since I like it well done I have turned it over to cook it on both sides.
  • With everything almost ready, what remains is to assemble the vegetable sandwich, to do this first spread the base of the bread with the orange vinaigrette.
  • Then go adding the ingredients, first the tomatoes and then the avocado. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Finally add the lettuce and place the bread with the egg, you can add a little more orange vinaigrette on top and decorate with a little more lettuce.
  • Enjoy the delicious vegetable sandwich with egg as a healthy and healthy breakfast or as a perfect dinner. This dish, in addition to being easy and colorful, is very nutritious, perfect to complete any diet and even more so if we combine it with a detox juice.

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