Vegetable salad with quinoa and mozzarella recipe

Quinoa is a type of gluten- free seed that has become increasingly popular, both for its versatility when it comes to using it in multiple recipes and for its nutritional properties. It is one of the most complete foods that exist due to the amount of fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 that it provides us. Whether you follow a vegetarian diet or not, including quinoa in your menu will be highly beneficial.

Don’t know how to cook quinoa?  We offer you a very simple recipe, full of flavor and ideal for maintaining a balanced diet. Keep reading and discover the step by step to learn how to prepare this vegetable salad with quinoa and mozzarella.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Salad with Quinoa and Mozzarella:

  • 100 grams of Quinoa
  • 200 milliliters of water
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 250 grams of Buffalo Mozzarella
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 pinch of salt

For the willow (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt

How to make Vegetable Salad with Quinoa and Mozzarella:

To start preparing the salad with vegetables and mozzarella cheese, the first thing you should do is wash the quinoa well with hot water. Drain and cook with the water and a pinch of salt over medium heat, with the saucepan covered, for 15 minutes or until the quinoa absorbs the liquid. While the quinoa is cooking, prepare the vegetables for the healthy salad. To do this, wash the lettuce and tomatoes, and peel the carrot. Then, roll up the lettuce leaves and cut them into more or less thin strips. Cut the cherry tomatoes in quarters, chop the mozzarella cheese and grate the carrots to continue with the preparation of the quinoa and vegetable salad. Take a bowl or salad bowl; add the previous vegetables and the drained corn. When the quinoa is ready, let it cool down and add it to the low-calorie salad.

Separately, prepare the dressing for the quinoa salad with vegetables and mozzarella. To do so, simply add the lemon juice, oil, and salt to a bowl and mix well. If you prefer to make another sauce, we suggest you make mustard and honey vinaigrette or a citrus dressing. Pour the sauce over the vegetable and cheese salad and mix well to incorporate.  If you prefer, you can also serve the dressing separately so that each guest can add the amount they want.

Serve the quinoa salad with vegetables and mozzarella decorating the plates with sesame sprinkled on top. And second, you can prepare grilled chicken or a tofu burger to follow a vegetarian menu. Bon Appetite!

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