Vegetable pizza recipe with pesto

If you’re a vegetarian (or you’re crazy about vegetarian food) and you’re looking for a pizza with flavor and personality, different from the ones you’ve already tried, this is your pizza! With the vegetable pizza with pesto, you will not only impress more than one person with its incredible flavor, but also with its more than fantastic smell. Also, this recipe can be lazy if we do not use the egg and substitute the normal cheese for a vegan one.

Go ahead and prepare the Veggie Pesto Pizza, a creation that we shares and that looks incredible! Making homemade pizza has never been so easy, so healthy and so original.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Pizza with pesto:

  • 1 sheet of pizza dough
  • 1 dessert spoon of Butter
  • 1 pot of pesto sauce
  • toppings
  • 1 egg
  • 1 package of cheese to gratin
  • Pieces of one or more cheeses
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 handful of Tomatoes
  • ½ onion
  • 1 handful of sliced ​​mushrooms

How to make Vegetable Pizza with Pesto:

  1. To start preparing our pesto pizza, spread the dough sheet on a tray lined with baking paper and spread a very thin layer of butter on the pizza dough.
  2. We generously add the pesto sauceon the pizza dough and, therefore, on the thin layer of butter.
  3. Harmonically place our 3 vegetable “toppings”: cherry tomatoes, onion and mushrooms. Remember to cut them previously into slices or laminates.
  4. Next, we add the raw egg in the middle of the pizza.
  5. We spread the special cheese gratin over the pizza.
  6. Cut the pieces of cheese into slices or to taste. We place them on the dough and, therefore, on the special cheese gratin that we will have already spread previously, as indicated in the previous step.
  7. Tip:For this type of pizza with vegetables you can use blue cheese, Roquefort cheese, goat cheese or the classic mozzarella cheese.
  8. Finally, season the pizza with pesto with a pinch of pepper and cook in the ovenat around 200-220ºC with heat on top and bottom.
  9. We keep an eye on the pizza until we see that it reaches the toasted tone to taste.
  10. Tip:Remember that if you want to make a vegan pizza you can do without the egg and replace the cheeses with vegan options.
  11. This wonderful recipe for vegetable pizza with pestoalso works if, instead of using pizza dough, you use bread.
  12. Consequently, it will stop being a “Veggie Pesto Pizza” and will become a “Veggie Pesto Toast”

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