Vegetable Pizza recipe with blue cheese

The best thing about making a pizza at home is that you can add the ingredients to your liking and make your own creations. On this occasion I wanted to share a combination that has been delicious, that is light and that is very easy to make, it is the vegetable pizza with blue cheese. The mix of vegetables with the intense flavor of blue cheese gives this vegetarian pizza everything it needs to succeed. Go ahead and prepare it because I’m sure you’ll love it!

Ingredients to make Vegetable Pizza with Blue Cheese:

  • 1 unit of Pizza Base
  • ½ cup of crushed tomato
  • 1 handful of fresh mushrooms
  • 1 piece of Eggplant
  • ½ zucchini unit
  • bell peppers
  • 150 grams of grated mozzarella cheese
  • 40 grams of blue cheese

How to make Blue Cheese Veggie Pizza:

  1. To start, stretch the pizza base well and add a layer of tomato. If you want to make the pizza completely homemade you can make the dough yourself
  2. Next, spread some cheese on the pizza, but very little, and place the sliced ​​mushrooms on top.
  3. Now it’s the zucchini’s turn. First cut into slices and place them on the pizza to taste, try to spread the vegetables over the entire surface.
  4. Trick:You can also add other ingredients such as corn or onion.
  5. To finish with the vegetables. Cut the aborigine into sticks and the pepper into strips. Distribute them all over the pizza and remember not to exaggerate with the amounts of the ingredients in this vegetarian pizza.
  6. To add the blue cheese, cut small pieces and see putting them between the vegetables.
  7. You can use Roquefort cheese, gorgonzola or the typical Danish blue cheese.
  8. Also be careful with the quantities because the flavor of this type of cheese is quite strong and if you go too far you can damage the flavor of the pizza.
  9. To finish, add the rest of the mozzarella cheese on the vegetable pizza. Try to cover everything well. Then it takes to the oven preheated to 180ºC.
  10. And cook for about 10-15 minutes.
  11. Tip:If you have bought the pizza dough, try to read the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for cooking.
  12. Get out of the oven and enjoy this delicious vegetable pizza with cheese, its flavor is spectacular and best of all; it does not contain any meat.
  13. This easy recipe is perfect for dinner or a quick weekend meal. Bon Appetite!

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