Vegetable lasagna recipe without béchamel

Homemade lasagna is one of the most popular Italian dishes in the world, and its versatility allows us to prepare an infinite number of fillings, such as meat, fish and even vegetables. However, in general, it is usually a caloric meal due to the béchamel sauce that accompanies it and, therefore, many people prefer to avoid the temptation to taste this delicacy. Well that’s over! we offer you a lighter and healthier option, but just as delicious. Do you dare to try it?

Read on, take note of the ingredients and discover how to make vegetable lasagna without béchamel with us, ideal vegetarian lasagna to provide the body with essential vitamins, fiber and nutrients, without worrying about calories.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Lasagna without béchamel:

  • 8 sheets of pasta for lasagna
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 piece of leek
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 6 mushrooms
  • ½ zucchini
  • 2 tomatoes

How to make Vegetable Lasagna without béchamel:

  1. The first thing we must do to be able to prepare the vegetable lasagna without béchamel is to prepare all the ingredients.
  2. In this sense, it should be noted that depending on the size of the peppers, you can choose to use more or less quantity.
  3. The same goes for mushrooms. Likewise, you also have the option of adding more ingredients to the list, such as eggplant or spinach.
  4. Once this is done, we proceed to chop all the vegetables the same size and cut the mushrooms into slices.
  5. Once the ingredients are ready, we boil the pastafollowing the instructions on the package. In our case, it was ready in 10 minutes.
  6. When it is al dente, remove the pot from the heat and drain the slices, passing them through cold water to cut the cooking.
  7. Apart, we put a deep frying pan with enough oil to heat. When it is hot, we sauté the minced garlic and the leek, moving the preparation with a wooden spoon.
  8. To continue with the stir-fry of the vegetable lasagna without béchamel, add the peppers and carrotsto the pan, once we observe that the leek begins to take on a slight golden hue.
  9. It is important not to let the leek brown completely, as it could burn during the cooking of the rest of the ingredients.
  10. When the peppers and carrot begin to soften, add the zucchiniand stir.
  11. Depending on the type of fire, the cooking time may vary, which is why we must be aware and stir from time to time to prevent them from burning.
  12. Once the vegetables are done, add the filleted mushroomsand stir.
  13. Although we have cut them into slices to make the vegetable lasagna without béchamel, you can chop them just like the rest of the ingredients if you prefer.
  14. Add the chopped tomatowhen the mushrooms are ready, stir and add salt to taste.
  15. If you want, you can also add pepper, curry or any other spice you like to flavor the vegetable and mushroom lasagna.
  16. Trick:Preheat the oven to 180ºC, with heat on top.
  17. The time has come to assemble the homemade vegetable lasagna! Take a baking tray and place two of the pasta sheets on the base, one next to the other.
  18. We have prepared two individual lasagnas, which is why we have used eight sheets (four for each lasagna).
  19. Then, we distribute a first layer of sauce, place another sheet of pasta and repeat the layer of vegetables. If we want, we sprinkle a little grated cheese.
  20. We place another sheet of pasta, another layer of vegetables and, finally, we place the fourth sheet, which we will cover entirely with grated cheese.
  21. In this way, we will have a vegetable lasagna without béchamel just as delicious, but healthier and lighter.
  22. Of course, for it to really be a low-calorie vegetable lasagna, we recommend opting for a light cheese. Once assembled, bake the lasagnauntil the cheese is melted.
  23. Ready! We can now serve the vegetable lasagna without béchameland enjoy a balanced, complete and delicious dish.
  24. In addition, it is a great option for all those people who follow a vegetarian diet, since it does not contain any meat.

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