Vegetable Juices to Lose Weight

Vegetable juices are an ideal option to take vegetables in their natural state, without altering their properties and benefit from them in the best possible way. However, it may happen that we do not know what the best combination is or what time of day to take them, especially if we intend to get rid of those extra kilos. Likewise, if we want to follow a healthy diet but can’t stand the taste of vegetables, we always have the option of adding some fruit to our recipes that adds a touch of flavor and makes the juice more palatable. This is the case of the apple, ideal for mixing with green leafy vegetables, pineapple or lemon, perfect for vegetables rich in beta-carotene.

Spinach, celery, parsley and cucumber juice

This vegetable juice is perfect for combating fluid retention and getting rid of those extra kilos thanks to the antioxidant and diuretic properties of celery, especially since the substances that make it up promote its elimination. For its part, spinach is one of the best natural sources of fiber, a fact that regulates intestinal transit and, therefore, improves digestion.

If we add to these two vegetables the benefits that cucumbers provide to lose weight, the result, without a doubt, will be a very efficient juice to lose weight. This is so because the cucumber, in addition to not providing hardly any calories, is an excellent natural cleanser for the body, so necessary to get rid of accumulated fat. On the other hand, parsley is rich in essential minerals such as iron and calcium, as well as being a diuretic.

Likewise, as it is such a cleansing juice, it is ideal for reducing high cholesterol. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 6 spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley

If you wish, you can add the juice of half a lemon. All you have to do is wash the vegetables well, peel the cucumber, put them in a container with a high edge and mix with a little water if you don’t want to add lemon juice. You can also use a blender.

Celery and lemon juice

Since celery is one of the vegetables with the most medicinal and nutritional benefits for our body, this simple vegetable juice to lose weight could not be missing. In addition to the already mentioned slimming properties of this food, celery contains very few calories, providing a total of 16 per 100 grams. Likewise, it produces a powerful satiating effect, thus ensuring that we do not consume more food than our body needs and, therefore, avoiding adding unnecessary kilos. So much so, that we also encourage you to consult our celery tea recipe, another perfect option for losing weight.

Why do we add lemon to vegetable juice to lose weight? Very easy. Although celery by itself is already a super food, if mixed with lemon you get a diuretic drink that further facilitates the digestion process and helps eliminate toxins from the body.

The ingredients to make the juice are:

  • 4 stalks of celery
  • The juice of a lemon

Add the ingredients to the blender or high-sided container, pour a cup of water and shake everything well, you will enjoy a delicious juice that is healthy at the same time.

Carrot, apple, beetroot and spinach juice

Carrots are one of the vegetables that combine perfectly with other vegetables and fruits, as well as being beneficial for our body. Thanks to its high beta-carotene content, it favors our eye health, and although many think that this is its most outstanding quality, the truth is that it has many others that allow us to lose weight quickly. Carrot is an excellent natural source of fiber, which is why it favors the evacuation of substances that our body does not need, preventing us from feeling bloating in the abdomen area. On the other hand, carrots to lose weight stand out for their thermo genic effect, which produces an increase in body temperature and, therefore, promotes fat burning and accelerates metabolism.

Being composed mostly of water, the apple is one of the best fruits to include in vegetable juices to lose weight. As we mentioned, adding fruit to juices helps enhance the slimming properties and improve the flavor of the drinks. In this case, the apple promotes cleansing of the body, naturally expelling toxins through urine. For its part, beets, like carrots, are highly rich in fiber, which is why, in addition to improving intestinal transit, it produces a satiating effect. Likewise, it has a high percentage of iron, so this juice to lose weight is also perfect for those who suffer from anemia.

Finally, within the composition of spinach leaves are the so-called thylakoids, sacs that occupy the interior of the plant cells and have the ability to control appetite, offering a feeling of complete satiety. In addition, this vegetable provides a large amount of vitamins, such as A, C, D and E, essential minerals such as calcium and fiber.

To make this carrot, apple, beetroot and spinach juice you will need:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 medium beetroot
  • a handful of spinach
  • 1 cup of water

Wash all the ingredients, peel the carrot and beetroot, not the apple since the skin is very beneficial. Put everything in the blender and beat until all the vegetables have been integrated.

Lettuce and cucumber juice

Of course, lettuce juice could not be missing from our list of vegetable juices to lose weight. This food has a very low caloric intake and, in turn, acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Likewise, it accelerates metabolism and facilitates fat burning, so including it in our diet to lose weight is practically mandatory.

Cucumber, being also diuretic, antioxidant and low in calories, is the perfect companion to lettuce. In this way, with only two ingredients we obtain a very powerful and easy-to-prepare detox green juice, as well as delicious!

To make this lettuce and cucumber juice you will need:

  • 1/2 lettuce (any variety)
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup of water

Wash the lettuce and cucumber well, peel the latter and chop it. Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat them well. This is a very smooth and easy to prepare vegetable juice. It is best to drink a glass of this juice before going to sleep.

Carrot and parsley juice

For hot weather, carrot and parsley juice is one of the most popular for its ability to get a better tan. Likewise, it is a highly purifying juice, ideal for eliminating retained fluids and, therefore, reducing both the feeling of swelling in areas such as the abdomen and preventing the appearance of the dreaded cellulite. And if your buttocks have already started to experience it, you can also take it to treat it!

As we have indicated in the previous juices, both carrot and parsley have powerful slimming properties that help you lose weight quickly. In this way, if you do not have much time, you do not have the previous ingredients or, simply, you want several vegetable juices to lose weight in order to combine them, this is a perfect, economical and very fast option.

You will need to gather the following ingredients to make the carrot and parsley juice:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley
  • The juice of half a lemon

Simply wash all the ingredients well, chop the carrots, add the food to a high-sided container or blender and blend well to enjoy a delicious and highly nutritious vegetable juice.

Pineapple, cucumber and celery juice

As with the apple, pineapple is another of the most recommended fruits to lose weight and mix with vegetables to prepare delicious detox juices. This is so thanks to its powerful diuretic properties, so necessary to facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body, avoid fluid retention and, therefore, lose weight quickly. On the other hand, it also highlights its high fiber content, ideal for controlling appetite and leaving us completely satisfied. It is such a beneficial food that we can even make a simple pineapple tea to lose weight.

However, if we want to use pineapple to mix it with vegetables and make a juice to lose weight, cucumber and celery combine perfectly with it. As we have said before, both foods are diuretics and antioxidants, like the fruit that accompanies them, so the results are more than guaranteed.

To prepare this pineapple, cucumber and celery juice, the following ingredients are necessary:

  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 glass of water

Wash well and peel both the vegetables and the pineapple. Then, chop them up and put them in the blender along with the water. Blend well and strain the preparation to enjoy this detox vegetable juice.

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