Vegetable Frittata Recipe

The vegetable frittata is a dish of Italian origin that basically consists of an omelet of eggs and vegetables cooked in the oven. If you are looking for an easy, quick and delicious breakfast, the frittata is an excellent option. This is because the dish is made from just the vegetables you have in the fridge. That’s all you need.

Do you have any pepper and onion left? Is there a piece of cauliflower? Did you get some forgotten tomatoes or zucchini? The rest is to add your favorite spices and, if you want, some cheese. By the way, although the frittata is vegetable, it does not mean that it is vegetarian. The plate accepts leftover bacon or bacon, if you have that too.

In this recipe we will tell you what ingredients we use to prepare ours, but you can add whatever you want. Discover how to make vegetable frittata and get to work.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Frittata:

  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 onion
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • ½ green bell pepper
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 5 stalks of chives
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

How to make Vegetable Frittata:

  1. The first thing is to prepare the eggs for the frittata. The number of eggs depends on the number of guests, this means that this frittata serves four people.
  2. Beat them until completely mixed and add part of the salt and part of the pepper. Booking.
  3. Clean and chop all the vegetables. As we told you, the vegetable frittata is prepared with any type of vegetable, so add whatever you have at home and feel like using.
  4. Sauté all the vegetables according to their degree of cooking, that is, first those that require more time and then those that need less. Heat the oil in the pan first.
  5. Start by making an onion sauce. Add it minced to the oil until it softens a bit.
  6. Add the zucchini, stir and cook for about 7 to 8 minutes.
  7. Add the green and red peppers, mix and let them cook for about 5 minutes.
  8. Add the tomatoes, chives and garlic, also salt and pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Allow it to cool just a bit. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 250°C.
  9. Mix the eggs with the vegetables in the following way: take some of the vegetables while still hot and add them to the eggs, repeat this process and mix well.
  10. This is done to temper the eggs and prevent them from cooking in the pan.
  11. Add the remaining vegetables to a pan and pour the mixture over them. Distribute the entire mixture well in the mold.
  12. Sprinkle the cheese on top and cook the vegetable frittata in the oven for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  13. When you take it out of the oven, let it rest for about 10 minutes and serve it while still hot.
  14. As you can see, the vegetable and cheese frittata recipe is very simple and allows you to take advantage of those vegetables that are about to wilt.
  15. Remember that you can also add bacon or other ingredients.

With what to accompany the vegetable frittata

Vegetable frittata goes well with almost any topping. For example, you can accompany it with bread seasoned with garlic and olive oil, also baked potatoes or cornbread. Creativity is the limit when it comes to vegetable frittata, because both egg and vegetables are usually quite versatile. Likewise, a salad is never a bad option. For this, we recommend the capers salad.


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