Vegetable Focaccia Recipe

Focaccia is a typical dish of Italian cuisine. It is a type of stuffed bread, similar to pizza but with different, thicker dough, which admits all kinds of combinations. In this way, we can make focaccias to our liking, letting our imagination run wild and trying new recipes.

Now, if this is the first time you’re preparing focaccia, keep reading because we propose a very simple, quick and delicious filling. Discover here, how to make vegetable focaccia, you will love it!

Ingredients to make Vegetable Focaccia:

  • dough for focaccia
  • 1 small eggplant
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 grated carrot
  • wild asparagus
  • 20 anchovy fillets
  • 2 pieces of fresh Mozzarella
  • fresh tomato
  • grated mental cheese
  • extra virgin olive oil

How to make Vegetable Focaccia:

  1. First of all we have to preheat the oven to 190 ºC. Then, on a plate in the oven, we put a sheet of parchment paper.
  2. Now that we have everything ready, we stretch the dough for focaccia, cover with the natural tomato and spread the grated mental cheese.
  3. Cut the vegetablesinto thin slices, grate the peeled carrot, cut the wild asparagus and crumble the mozzarella into pieces.
  4. We place the ingredientsmore or less as in the photo or however we want, at our whim! Drizzle the vegetable focaccia with a little olive oil.
  5. Bake the vegetableand anchovy focaccia for 25 or 30 minutes, depending on each oven, or until we see that it is already done.
  6. And we already have it.

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