Vegetable Curry Recipe

Curry is understood as a mixture of spices used to flavor dishes that originated in India. However, it spread to the whole world, resulting in different versions. That is why it is not possible to talk about the mixture of certain spices in particular, but it will depend on the cook.

In this case, we teaches you how to make this vegetable curry with garam masala, ginger and coconut milk, but you can choose the condiments you have or want. Read on, open your mind to get creative and discover with us how to make Indian vegetable curry.

Ingredients to make Vegetable Curry:

  1. ⅓ cup fine long rice
  2. 1 cup of chopped vegetables (onion, yellow pepper or bell pepper, cauliflower and carrot)
  3. 1 dessert spoon of garam masala
  4. ½ dessert spoon of powdered ginger
  5. 1 tablespoon of coconut milk

How to make Vegetable Curry:

  • To start preparing your vegetable curry, rinse the rice until the water runs clear. To do this, you can help yourself with a strainer
  • Then, cook the rice in boiling water for 8 minutes. On the other hand, sauté the onion until it is transparent. To do this, pour it into a non-stick pan with spray oil and cook over high heat. After 1 minute, lower the heat to medium and stir it with some continuity so that it does not stick. If it is, you can add a little hot water to it.
  • When the onion is transparent, add the carrot. You can also add some hot water little by little so that the vegetables cook, but do not brown. After about 2-3 minutes, add the yellow pepper or bell pepper, which can be green and/or red, and the seasonings. Continue cooking the vegetables for 2 more minutes.
  • Trick: you can make the vegetable curry by adding more vegetables, such as aborigine, leek, pumpkin…
  • Once the vegetables are as cooked as you like, add the rice with a little of the cooking water so that it finishes cooking with the flavor of the vegetables and the seasonings.
  • Tip: another equally delicious option is to prepare the vegetable curry with cooked chickpeas or chopped chicken.
  • Along with the rice, it also incorporates cauliflower. We incorporate this vegetable at the last moment, respecting the cooking time of each one.
  • Finally, add the coconut milk and the garam masala mixture and keep the preparation on the fire until the milk is heated.
  • Then, serve it and start enjoying this delicious vegetable curry with rice.

Other versions of vegetable curry

  • This time, we proposes you to use onion, yellow pepper, carrot and cauliflower, however, you can adapt this vegetable curry recipe to the vegetables you have in your fridge. For example, peas or peas, broccoli, courgette or courgette, pumpkin or squash, leek… Likewise, you can prepare your vegetable curry with chicken or with vegetable meat if you prefer the recipe to be vegetarian.
  • Keep in mind that coconut milk is not a healthy or low-calorie food. In fact, their fats are not of the best quality. However, for this recipe we only use 1 tablespoon and the important thing is to regulate the frequency with which one consumes this type of product. However, you can substitute it with skimmed milk.

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