Vegan Tiramisu Recipe

Tiramisu is an Italian cold dessert with hints of coffee and cocoa. It is prepared with mascarpone cheese and a mild-flavored sponge cake, although this time we bring you its vegan version made with peanuts, sponge cakes, and aquafaba. Now, this is a bit of trial and error, as well as substituting some ingredients to adjust the dessert to your liking. The peanut that we will use is unsalted, but it still has a fairly predominant flavor, so you can change it for cashews, for example. Likewise, the vegetable drink we use is soy milk, which you can substitute for rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or even water.

This delicious vegan tiramisu is eaten very cold and is quite light, making it ideal for dessert after lunch or as a sweet appetizer for an afternoon with coffee. If you want to learn how to make vegan tiramisu, keep reading that in this article we teach you how.

Ingredients to make Vegan Tiramisu:

  • 200 grams of ladyfingers (vegan)
  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 2 tablespoons coffee liqueur, rum, or brandy (optional)
  • 150 grams of unsalted peanuts (peanut)
  • 125 milliliters of vegetable drink or water
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of mounted aquafaba (mounted chickpea water)
  • 1 tablespoon bitter cocoa
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence

How to make Vegan Tiramisu:

  1. Boil the peanuts or peanuts in a pot with plenty of water for 20 minutes or until they are soft.
  2. After the time, rinse the peanuts under running water.
  3. Pour the peanuts or peanuts into the blender along with the milk, sugar and vanilla and beat everything very well until there are no lumps.
  4. Tip: if you want to make vegan coconut tiramisu, use coconut milk. And to make healthy vegan tiramisu, replace the sugar with brown sugar or the sweetener of your choice.
  5. Prepare the aquafaba assembled in a bowl, add the peanut mixture and integrate making enveloping movements.
  6. In this vegan meringue recipe we teach you how to make the whipped aquafaba.
  7. Prepare the coffee, add the liquor and mix.
  8. Optionally, add a little cocoa uro to enhance the flavor of the vegan tiramisu.
  9. Try to check the absorption of your sponge cakes by dipping one in the coffee and waiting to see if it breaks up too quickly.
  10. If this happens, wet only one side of the cake and place it in the pan.
  11. Add a layer of cream, another layer of cake and repeat this process until the cream runs out.
  12. Sprinkle cocoa on top of the cream layer and refrigerate the vegan tiramisu for at least 3 hours before serving.
  13. Cut the vegan tiramisu and enjoy this wonderful dessert.
  14. As you can see, this vegan tiramisu recipe is simple and has nothing to envy to the classic tiramisu recipe, don’t you think? Likewise, the result is a healthy and creamy vegan tiramisu, whether you opt for cashews or use peanuts.


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