Vegan Spring Rolls Recipe

Vegetable spring rolls are a classic recipe of Chinese cuisine and consist of filling sheets of special vegetable dough cut into julienne strips, sometimes adding meat as an extra ingredient. Currently in all supermarkets we can find the original frozen spring rolls that can save us a lot of preparation and cooking time, but often the taste leaves much to be desired.

I share this recipe so you can see how easy it is to prepare homemade vegan spring rolls stuffed with cabbage, carrot and onion with textured soy meat marinated in tamari vinaigrette with basil. You’re going to love the taste of these vegetarian spring rolls, and you can also freeze them for future meals.

Ingredients to make Vegan Spring Rolls:

  • 10 sheets of dough for spring rolls
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bok Choy or pak Choy
  • ½ onion
  • 1 cup bean sprouts
  • 1 piece of grated fresh ginger
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ¼ cup fine textured soybeans
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 splash of soy sauce
  • 10 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 cup vegetable broth

How to make vegan spring rolls:

Soak the textured soybeans in a container with the warm vegetable broth for approximately 20 minutes and then drain it well with your hands to remove excess liquid.

Put the textured soy in a bowl, add a good splash of soy sauce, the garlic powder and the finely chopped basil. Stir well and let stand while you make the rest of the homemade spring roll preparations. Julienne the Chinese cabbage and onion, and grate the carrot. In a bowl, mix all the vegetables with the bean sprouts, a pinch of salt and the textured soy along with the vinaigrette.

Place a sheet of spring roll dough on the counter in a diamond shape. Fill the bottom with several tablespoons of the filling. Start rolling the sheet and when you reach the middle  fold the edges of the sides inwards and continue rolling. Moisten the top edge with water so that it sticks well and closes properly. Repeat the same operation until all the spring rolls for vegans are formed. Heat a greased pan with oil and cook the rolls until they are well browned on all sides. You can also cook the spring rolls in the oven until golden brown and crispy if you prefer them to be lighter. Serve the vegan spring rolls accompanied by a side of assorted vegetables or salad.

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