Vegan Mango Lassi

Ingredients to make Vegan Mango Lassi:

  1. 2 ripe mangoes
  2. 2 natural soy yogurts
  3. ½ cup of Coconut vegetable drink or other
  4. 1 tablespoon agave syrup (optional)
  5. ¼ teaspoon ground Cardamom
  6. ¼ teaspoon Turmeric powder

How to make Vegan Mango Lassi:

  • Peel and chop the mangoes to start preparing this Indian drink. Remember that the riper the mangoes, the sweeter the vegan lassi will be and the less sweetener you will need to add.
  • Place the cut mango, soy yogurt, cardamom, turmeric and half of the vegetable milk in the blender and blend well. Check the texture and if you want a thinner consistency, add more coconut milk. Also check the sweetness, if it is not sweet enough add a little agave syrup.
  • Trick: For this recipe you have to use low-fat tetra brick coconut milk or replace it with rice, oat or almond milk.
  • Chill the vegan mango lassi well in the fridge. Pour into glasses, garnish with coconut flakes or cardamom pods, and serve. As you can see, it is a version of the traditional Indian drink that is very easy to make, fast, and has nothing to envy to the original recipe. If you want to discover more vegan recipes full of flavor, color and texture, visit my Expiration blog, I’ll wait for you!

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