Vegan Macabre Recipe

Macabre is a traditional dish to eat during the holidays. Formerly, it was known as mate-hunger, however, with the amount of fiber that this dish has, thanks to legumes, seeds and vegetables, we assure you that you will not leave hungry. This traditional recipe consists of a cut of meat, but this time we show you how to adapt this famous dish to one suitable for those who decide to follow a vegan diet.

We teach you how to make vegan macabre, follow the steps to present a delicious and attractive dish this holiday season. At the end you will find more filling options in case you do not have these ingredients or want to try other variants. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make vegan Macabre:

  • 1 cup raw lentils
  • 6 dehydrated tomatoes
  • 100 grams of spinach
  • ⅓ cup of sunflower seeds
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 dessert spoon of cumin
  • 1 dessert spoon of smoked paprika
  • ½ dessert spoon of garlic powder
  • ¼ dessert spoon of ground chili
  • 3 tablespoons of oat flakes
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

How to make vegan Macabre:

1.To start with the vegan macabre recipe, you must first soak the sunflower seeds and lentils for 8 and 12 hours respectively. Once the time has passed, change the soaking water and cook the lentils in abundant boiling water for approximately 30 minutes, until they are tender. Don’t worry if they overcook, as we will process them. Reserve the seeds.

2.Once the lentils are cooked, strain them making sure that you remove the moisture. Season them to taste and process them until you get a homogeneous mixture. Meanwhile, hydrate the dried tomatoes with hot water.

Trick: if you don’t have a mixer, you can process them with the blender or mash them with a potato masher or with a fork.

3.Add the oat flakes to the preparation and mix to obtain malleable dough. The oats will absorb any moisture left in the lentils. And, if you don’t have oatmeal, you can replace it with any flour, for example, chickpeas, rice or whole wheat. Just keep in mind that if you are preparing this recipe for someone with celiac disease, the flour you are going to use must be gluten-free, as well as the rest of the ingredients must have the corresponding logo to ensure that they are not contaminated.

4.Next, prepare your allowance with a sheet of plastic wrap. Pour the lentil dough over it and stretch it with the help of your hands and/or a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately half a centimeter. Reserve it.

5.Process the sunflower seeds that you have previously soaked with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and seasonings to taste. We recommend cumin, pepper, ground chili and paprika.

6.Spread it on the lentils that you have stretched on the film.

7.Also add the previously washed spinach leaves. What do you think of this vegan lentil macabre recipe?

8.And, finally, add the tomatoes that you have hydrated. Be sure to remove the rope, if they have any.

9.Roll up your vegan macabre helping yourself with the plastic wrap and with your hands. Apply some pressure so that there is no air left, but be careful not to break it.

10.Close it carefully with the film and, if necessary, add another sheet. Take this macabre to a pot with boiling water and make sure that no water enters, so wrap it with kitchen string to keep its shape.

11.Cook the vegan macabre in abundant boiling water for approximately 20 minutes. After that time, turn it over and cook it for another 20 minutes. Remove it carefully so as not to burn yourself. Take it to the refrigerator and let it cool for about 2 hours, in this way, it will have more firmness.

12.emove the threads and the film. Cut and serve the vegetarian macabre in slices, you can accompany it with a hearty salad with rich mango vinaigrette.

Stuffed vegan macabre

In addition to this idea that we have proposed to fill the vegan macabre, you can use other variants, such as: pumpkin puree with roasted garlic, tofu and bell pepper of the 3 colors (yellow, red and green), carrot, Hot pepper, corn and olives, mushrooms, spinach and garlic, tofu, carrot, red bell pepper and peas, sunflower cheese with roasted garlic, slices of grilled eggplant and dehydrated tomatoes.

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